Announcing the Cassandra Storage Engine

We’re pleased to announce the first preview version of the Cassandra Storage Engine!

The Cassandra Storage Engine (SE) allows access to Cassandra databases from MariaDB/MySQL, and to provide data integration between the SQL and NoSQL worlds.

Have you ever needed to

  • grab some of Cassandra’s data from your web frontend, or SQL query?
  • insert a few records into Cassandra from some part of your app?

With Cassandra SE, this is easily possible. Cassandra SE makes Cassandra’s column families appear as MariaDB/MySQL tables that you can insert to, update, and select from. You can perform joins on Cassandra data, or againist data in Cassandra and data in MariaDB.

Today we’re releasing a source tarball, as well as a binary tarball package for Ubuntu 12.04. Download links and documentation for this preview release are available at the Cassandra Storage Engine page in our Knowledgebase. Try it out and let us know what you think!