
As MariaDB Server (and its predecessor MySQL) has been used around the world for over 20 years, there are huge amounts of learning resources and documentation available.
The primary place for MariaDB Server specific documentation is the MariaDB Server Knowledge Base. If you have MariaDB Server already installed you can also read the man pages. Every binary in MariaDB Server has a man page. To view a man page simply run on the command line man
followed by the command/binary name, for example man mariadb
Download a PDF version of the MariaDB Server documentation.
To learn about what’s new read the MariaDB Server release notes.
Getting started
- Introduction to relational databases
- A 10-minute MariaDB Server primer
- List of SQL statements
- Useful MariaDB Server queries
- MariaDB Server documentation
The first course in the series created by the MariaDB Foundation and the Constructor tackles advanced SQL features that are natively supported in MariaDB Server, namely Common Table Expressions and Window Functions. Emphasis is placed on providing ample examples and use cases for these features. The Constructor platform provides interactive evaluation at the end of each significant chapter, to allow learners to check and cement their understanding. Those who have graduated from this course should be able to apply such functionality to optimize slow running SQL queries.
Presentation and videos
There are many available books on MariaDB Server and development. Below you will find a few think will be useful.

The MariaDB Corporation offers training, both on-site and as live virtual classes.