Planet MariaDB Server

Modern MariaDB is significantly faster than modern MySQL on a medium server with cached sysbench because MySQL suffers from too many CPU performance regressions (code bloat, etc) over time.This post has results for sysbench with a cached database and medium server (16 cores) using MariaDB and MySQL. The benchmark is run with 12 threads. A full writeup for MySQL on this HW is here and for MariaDB on a smaller server is here.Note that the great results for MariaDB only occur when MDEV-33894 has been fixed in versions 10.11 or greater — it isn't a bug prior to 10.11. I… Read more
By Mark Callaghan
Source: Small Datum
Codership is please to announce a new release of Galera Manager. The current installer stands at version 1.14.0 ((you can check this by typing: ./gm-installer version which will report gm-installer version 1.14.0 (linux/amd64)) and the actual Galera Manager GUI is at version 1.8.6. Users ill notice usability improvements, and fixes for issues filed at the […]… Read more
By sakari.keskitalo
Source: Galera Cluster
A couple of weeks ago, my colleague Marco Tusa published an important announcement titled “Do Not Upgrade to Any Version of MySQL After 8.0.37.” The announcement highlighted a critical issue in MySQL 8.0.38, MySQL 8.4.1, and MySQL 9.0.0 that caused database server crashes. Good news! The upcoming minor releases for the community edition of MySQL and […]… Read more
By Bartek Gatz
Source: Percona
A couple of weeks ago, my colleague Marco Tusa published an important announcement titled “Do Not Upgrade to Any Version of MySQL After 8.0.37.” The announcement highlighted a critical issue in MySQL 8.0.38, MySQL 8.4.1, and MySQL 9.0.0 that caused database server crashes. Good news! The upcoming minor releases for the community edition of MySQL and […]… Read more
By Bartek Gatz
Source: Percona
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown incredible potential, but their reliance on static pre-trained knowledge has been a major limitation. To address this, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) was developed as a solution to enhance LLMs by allowing them to access and incorporate relevant information from external sources in real-time. However, relying solely on traditional retrieval […] The post Beyond Semantics: Enhancing Retrieval Augmented Generation with Hybrid Search (pgvector + Elasticsearch) appeared first on Severalnines…. Read more
By Divine Odazie
Source: SeveralNines
In a recent post I shared results for RocksDB performance tests using versions from 6.0 through 9.0 and 3 different types of servers (small, medium, big). While there were few regressions over time, there is one regression that arrived in version 8.6, bug 12038, and the workarounds are one of:use O_DIRECT for compaction readsset compaction_readahead_size to be… Read more
By Mark Callaghan
Source: Small Datum
pt-online-schema-change is an amazing tool for assisting in table modifications in cases where ONLINE ALTER is not an option. But if you have foreign keys, this could be an interesting and important read for you. Tables with foreign keys are always complicated, and they have to be handled with care. The use case I am […]… Read more
By Kedar Vaijanapurkar
Source: Percona
A few weeks ago I shared results for sysbench with InnoDB and MyRocks on a variety of servers. The worst-case for MyRocks occurred on a 2-socket server with the write microbenchmarks. After some performance debugging I learned that changing the CPU frequency governor from schedutil to performance increased QPS by ~2X for the worst cases (see here) with MyRocks. Note that for Ubuntu 22.04 the default for the CPU frequency governor is schedutil.This blog post shares results for the 2-socket server after I repeated all tests with the performance CPU frequency;drMyRocks uses ~1.4X more CPU than InnoDB for this benchmark… Read more
By Mark Callaghan
Source: Small Datum
This has benchmark results for MySQL 8.0.38 and a few other 8.0 releases using Sysbench with a cached database on a medium server. By small, medium or large server I mean < 10 cores for small, 10 to 19 cores for medium, 20+ cores for large. Results from the Insert Benchmark in the same setup are;drPerformance for many range scans might be about 10% lower in 8.0.38 than in 8.0.26. The regression is much larger for the scan benchmark where the performance drop is about 22%. The regressions arrived in 8.0.30 and 8.0.31. Percona PS-8822 and MySQL 111538 are open for this.Performance for… Read more
By Mark Callaghan
Source: Small Datum
MySQL 9.0 is an Innovation Release, but as you may have read in my Quick Peek, I found little innovation. However, one new item caught my eye, and it could be a way to track query performance. MySQL 9.0 EXPLAIN enhancement Here is the syntax that will be referenced in the post. {EXPLAIN | DESCRIBE […]… Read more
By David Stokes
Source: Percona
I used db_bench to check for performance regressions in RocksDB using leveled compaction and three different servers. A future post will have results for universal compaction. A recent report from me about db_bench on a large server is;drif you use buffered IO for compaction (not O_DIRECT) then bug 12038 is an issue starting in RocksDB 8.6. The workaround is to set compaction_readahead_size to be 8.03717    1500    145.7   0.00    0.44    100.5   4905    586.9   9.96    0.44    122.3   – > 8.13716    1415    143.0   0.00    0.45    103.6   4912    589.2   9.41   … Read more
By Mark Callaghan
Source: Small Datum
In this article, we will demonstrate how to have a single MySQL database user account that can connect from specific hosts. We would usually implement it by creating separate user accounts with the same username but different hosts/IPs like @, @ …. @. Then, give those users the same grants(privileges/roles) and settings(password, SSL, etc). Instead […]… Read more
By Totel
Source: Percona
Thank you for clicking on my of my better clickbait titles. Obviously this trick won't work everywhere but it does work on one of my home;drSwitching from the Ubuntu 22.04 Server default CPU frequency governor (schedutil) to the performance governor increases QPS by ~2X for many write-heavy microbenchmarks with MyRocks on one of my large home servers.The problem is that Linux is under-clocking the CPU with MyRocks on the server with the schedutil frequency governor. Switching to the performance frequency governor fixes that — I am not making MyRocks faster by over-clocking. The same change doesn't impact InnoDB performance.The same… Read more
By Mark Callaghan
Source: Small Datum
How to quickly install MariaDB 10.4 on Alma / Rocky / RedHat EL9 The post MariaDB 10.4 on EL9 appeared first on Shattered Silicon…. Read more
By Gordan Bobic
On the 3rd of July, two weeks ago, I created a poll to ask about the future of feature development branches in MariaDB Server. … Continue reading "MariaDB Server GitHub branches: Moving to “main”" The post MariaDB Server GitHub branches: Moving to “main” appeared first on…. Read more
By Andrew Hutchings