Why sponsor us?
Every day, millions of people rely on MariaDB Server for a wide range of educational, scientific, governmental, business and recreational purposes. When you look up an article in Wikipedia, set up a LAMP stack in over 15 different Linux distros or use countless other resources, you’re relying on MariaDB.
Our sponsors help ensure that a wide range of projects that provide immense public benefit will have a robust, flexible and truly free database at the heart of their infrastructure.
Individual sponsorships
MariaDB Foundation appreciates all donations from individuals and companies in, or outside of, Europe. Large or small, everything is appreciated.
What will my donation be used for?
Donations will go towards the MariaDB Foundation’s goal of supporting continuity and open collaboration in the MariaDB ecosystem.
Donate using PayPal
If you would like to donate non-monetary items such as computers or other equipment, please contact foundation@mariadb.org
Tax deductability
MariaDB Foundation is a non profit organization registered in the United States. It means that your donation may or may not be tax exempt. For more information please contact your tax advisor.
Corporate sponsorships

MariaDB Corporation, Alibaba Cloud, Service Now, WebPros, Constructor, Acronis, Intel and DBS are our platinum-level sponsors. Please see our about page for a full list of all sponsors.
The MariaDB Foundation is grateful to count on leaders such as the Amazon, MariaDB Corporation, Alibaba Cloud, Microsoft, IBM, Service Now, SIT, Acronis, Intel and many others as sponsors. Our sponsors not only provide financial support to help us deliver on our mission, they contribute code, participate in events, and work with us on content production, media outreach and more.
MariaDB Corporation, Founding Member of the MariaDB Foundation, is the Primary Code Contributor to MariaDB Server.
If you’d like to discuss sponsorship with us, please do so with the form below.
Individual donors
We’re re-building our program for individual donors and will update this page when it is ready.
We’re grateful to the individuals who’ve already donated.