MariaDB Day Brussels

Date: Saturday 1 Feb 2025 (10:00-17:00)
Place: Brussels, SQ Lily-Rose, Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur 15-23, close to FOSDEM
Theme: Vectors, RAG and all things new in MariaDB Server
The event is free to attend. Please register here with Meetup
With the Open Source community convening for FOSDEM, we have noted Brussels is a great time to meet, chat, and share news and ideas. Hence, we timed our next MariaDB Day accordingly.
MariaDB Plc joining
MariaDB Day are the events where MariaDB Foundation and friends celebrate and share the latest new happenings in the world of MariaDB Server. we have key people from MariaDB plc joining us in Brussels.
It’s all about MariaDB Vector – GenAI in a standard Open Source RDBMS
With MariaDB Vector approaching GA in MariaDB 11.7, we’re excited to share the functionality, the use cases, the overall promise of having Gen AI capabilities in MariaDB Server through MariaDB Vector. Since the early previews, we have good news on both functionality and performance.
It’s about migration – from Closed Source to Open Source, from MySQL to MariaDB
Compatibility is a recurring theme of MariaDB Server. Upgrading from MySQL to a new MariaDB is often easier than upgrading to a new MySQL, in particular MySQL 8.0 and later.
We’re also progressing on compatibility with Oracle Database.
It’s about exchange of ideas
For those of you present at earlier MariaDB Days, you will see a lot of consistency when it comes to our main themes. For us, databases is a constant source of new innovation opportunities – which is why we love meeting with you around FOSDEM time.
It’s even about money
However, if you look for your boss to finance your Brussels weekend, and geeking around is not a good enough reason – remind your boss about Open Source databases in general and MariaDB Server in particular being a huge source of cost savings.
See you in Brussels!
Finding the location