When a client and a server are just a PARSEC apart
Presentation materials
PDF New Authentication Plugin PARSEC
MariaDB has made a significant advancement in network channel protection over the last year.
- A new PARSEC authentication plugin, that leverages modern de-facto standards in cryptography, such as PBKDF2 and Ed25519, to protect from a variety of attacks and at the same time is password-based.
- Zero-config SSL, allows to use SSL with automatically generated certificates and full man-in-the-middle protection, using a novel technique for certificate verification that does not require a trusted CA.
This talk delves into the design and implementation of PARSEC and Zero-Config SSL, focusing on minimizing the risk of secure channel breaches and password compromises while streamlining the setup process. Attendees will gain insights into how MariaDB achieves high security alongside effortless usability.
Nikita Malyavin, MariaDB plc
For the last 5 years Nikita has worked as a MariaDB Server developer. He also holds a few courses in the FEFU university and specializes in system programming, algorithms and SQL language Implementation. His latest passion is concurrent algorithms and data structures.
Sergei Golubchik, MariaDB plc
Sergei was a MySQL developer since 1998. From 1999 to 2009 in MySQL AB, Sun, then in Monty Program AB and MariaDB Corporation on MariaDB. During these years he has touched almost every part of the server. To list a few projects – fulltext search, XA, HANDLER, precision math library, parallel repair and bulk inserts in MyISAM, indexes in MERGE. Sergei is a primary architect of the plugin API and an author of the “MySQL 5.1 Plugin Development” book.