Looking for a C/C++ developer

The MariaDB Foundation is looking for a mid to senior-level C/C++ developer to work on MariaDB Server.
Our small team works remotely to build and support MariaDB, and requires strong skills in written English for daily communication.
A fulltime position is preferred.
We are looking in particular for people with an understanding of how open source works, how collaboration is fostered, how licenses and copyright work, and how tools such as git and test suites are best used. The person(s) should be a C/C++ developer by background, and ideally have a proven track record of producing code patches that have been accepted in major open source projects. The main responsibility is more than just programming alone, but also about fostering collaboration and helping others to contribute towards development on MariaDB.
To apply, contact kaj@mariadb.org.
Further resources
- Contribute to MariaDB Server – https://mariadb.org/contribute/
- Code Repository – https://github.com/MariaDB/server/
- Features and bugs – https://jira.mariadb.org
- Documentation – https://mariadb.com/kb/
- Chat Server – https://mariadb.zulipchat.com/
I’m a Microsoft Visual C++ developer since 1999.
I live in Iran.
My profiles:
I would like to work with MariaDB Foundation.
I’m using MySQL and MariaDB in last 15 years and I have wrote a c++ wrapper class to use them.
Best Regards
Hadi Hossein Dayvary