MariaDB ServerFest India
25 Oct 2024, 10:00 – 17:00 IST
NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bengaluru, India
MariaDB Day comes to Bengaluru! This is the opportunity for the current and future members of the MariaDB Server ecosystem to interface with the developers of MariaDB Server.
All members of MariaDB Foundation staff will attend, staying one more day after Open Source India.
We have two tracks:
First, a MariaDB User Track. We are looking at MariaDB Server, what makes it similar to and different from MySQL, Postgres and Oracle. We are looking at migrating to MariaDB. We take a thorough look in the features of our newest Long-Term Support release MariaDB 11.4, but also at oldies but goodies – what distinguishes MariaDB Server from the rest. A special highlight is our deep dive into MariaDB Vector, which enables the embedding and search of AI vector data where it should be – in your normal, open source relational database.
Second, a Hackathon like MariaDB Contributor Track. We are looking at what you need to know in order to contribute to the MariaDB Server codebase. In the hackathon, you have the opportunity to make code contributions directly into our code base and documentation, as the key reviewers will be available – including some of the seniormost MariaDB developers. You are free to propose your own features, but we are also going to give new developers the opportunity to show what they are made of – which can amount to an entry ticket to the developer community around MariaDB Server.
MariaDB Foundation is excited about interacting with the Bengaluru and overall Indian developer base, both users and developers, current and potential new ones.