Advanced Pushdown With MyTile Storage Engine


MyTile, a storage engine built on top of the open source TileDB storage engine, supports a number of advanced features such as read/write cloud object storage access, lock-free multi-reader/multi-writer, and more. This talk will focus on how we’ve optimized pushdown of filtering and computations to TileDB. Emphasis will be placed on the storage API features used, such as condition pushdown and multi-range reads.

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Date and time

  • Wednesday 6 October, 17.35 – 18.20 CEST (UTC +2)
  • 11:35am – 12:20pm New York time,
  • 23:35 – 00:20 Beijing/Singapore time


Seth Shelnut
CTO, TileDB. Inc

Seth Shelnut is the CTO of TileDB, Inc. He developed the MyTile storage engine along with a Spark driver, a PrestoDB connector and many other integrations of the TileDB embedded library. He also leads the product development for TileDB Cloud, the SaaS offering from TileDB, Inc. Before TileDB, Seth was at Sprint where he got interested in large-scale database systems dealing firsthand with challenges of storing large telecommunication datasets and led the development of a prototype MariaDB storage engine.