Looking for more migration guinea pigs

Diving Sea Lion

Remember our open letter, Looking for MySQL 5.7 or 8.0 guinea pigs?

We caught a nice German guinea pig!

We caught a nice guinea pig, a German one, from Hannover. They are currently using MySQL 5.7 (as was our prime wish), and they will be doing a live migration to MariaDB 10.11. They have queries a day, their database size is 412 GB, and our goal is to the migration of the production data in less than five minutes – during our MariaDB Migration Workshop at our pre-FOSDEM event on Friday 2 Feb 2024.

But Monty wants more …

The migration will happen in front of a live audience, and it will be done by none other than Michael “Monty” Widenius. As he has coordinated many migrations, large and small, he feels confident we can do considerably more. So the door is still open.

Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL: Anything goes!

The easiest possible migration to MariaDB is off MySQL, up to MySQL 5.7. That’s where we can set expectations about production data migrations of multiple-hundred GB databases, within less than five minutes. But that’s not the only use case that we want to showcase during our event.

The second easiest migration is from MySQL 8.0. You’ll get quite far during the pre-FOSDEM event, also if that is the setup from which you are migrating.

But feel free to submit any migration case to us. We welcome also the more demanding cases, like migrating off Oracle Database. While the migration off Oracle for DBS Bank took quite some time, MariaDB Server didn’t have a lot of Oracle functionality when that began. Now, things are easier.

Opportunity knocks

By volunteering, you’ll get your migration well underway during the FOSDEM weekend. You’ll learn a lot, we’ll learn a lot, and our audiences will learn a lot.

Just email us at foundation@mariadb.org!