We’re hiring: Senior MariaDB Developer / Code Reviewers

Yes, we are hiring!
And we are hiring for quite an interesting position: As a senior developer of MariaDB Server, with merging community code contributions as a main task.
A demanding job
This is a very demanding job. The MariaDB Server code base is large and complex, and being a good C / C++ developer is only the starting point for being able to contribute to it. You also need to understand databases, and the existing codebase architecture.
A demanding code base
The existing codebase is demanding. Depending on how you look at it, it’s either very efficient (if you know it well), or it has many dependencies (if you don’t). Both views are correct. One of our goals is to retain the efficiency, while reducing the intra-dependencies – ”refactoring”, in other words – but being able to contribute to that is not the first step for the developers that we are recruiting.
Your likely background
In our view, the better you know the codebase, the more likely you are the right choice for us. You may already have worked more or less full-time with the MySQL or MariaDB code base at some point in your career. If not, you will likely have provided some contributions.
Meta-goal: reduce the pull request backlog
The three fundamental building blocks in the MariaDB Foundation mission are Openness, Adoption and Continuity. We are recruiting primarily in order to support Openness, meaning our ability to accept contributions to our open code base. We want to reduce the backlog of contribution submissions, and that requires knowledgeable devs who can guide the contributors and knows what separates a working hack from production ready code, that works across platforms and can be put in the next release.
The balance between coding and reviewing
We understand that developers doing reviews have to do their own development not just in order to be knowledgeable about the code base that they accept contributions to, but in order to be able to “stay sane” and fit as developers. That said, the positions we are looking to fill is primarily about reviewing code and making it production ready – which is more demanding than doing development.
Work from anywhere
We do not require you to relocate. You can work anywhere, where it is technically possible to organise payments.
How to apply
Interested? Email us at foundation@mariadb.org and we will tell you the next step of the process!