Multilingual MariaDB video on Set Theory Features

Our very own Ian Gilfillan has created a brief and clear video called Get Set for Set Theory: UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT in SQL
In a tad more than six minutes, you’ll see exactly how UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT work, starting in MariaDB 10.3, a few years back.
Ian explains what they are for, and the option to change default behaviour of DISTINCT with ALL (of which the ALL option was introduced in MariaDB 10.5).
How to turn on subtitles The list to pick them from
That’s not new. As said, it’s been there since MariaDB 10.3. What’s new is that we’re testing out multilingual support. Our test languages are French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese.
In other words:
- Sous-titres français disponibles
- Subtítulos en español disponibles
- Русские субтитры
- Legendas em português disponíveis
- 提供中文字幕
- 日本語字幕あり
Is this of value for you? Are the translations of adequate quality? Do you miss your language? Please tell us, in the comments to the video or this blog post!
Based on your suggestions, we will know what priority to give subtitles to upcoming videos, of our MariaDB Server Fest. The titles come free for you, but of course, they involve some cost for us.
Also: We are interested in sponsors of subtitles for individual languages for the MariaDB Server Fest. If interested, email us at