The AskMonty Knowledge Base – Open for editing

Almost a year ago we launched the AskMonty Knowledgebase, a home for information on MariaDB and MySQL. When we launched, only employees had access to write articles, though anyone could ask a question. This was done for technical reasons. The good news is that that has changed, with the latest version we just pushed live, anyone with an account (or an open ID) can create and edit articles.

There is only so much content we can write so we want your contributions, from completely new articles to editing and improving what we already have. If you have questions on how to get started, you can join the Maria Docs group on launchpad and ask on the mailing list. Or you can jump into the #maria channel on Freenode IRC and ask there (ask for dbart or balsdorf).

For those that want to translate articles into other languages (you know who you are) we haven’t forgotten about you. Our next major enhancement to the Knowledgebase is to add full i18n (i.e. internationalization) support. We’re working hard to get something workable up and available to one and all as fast as we can. Stay tuned!