Attending SuseCon24

Last week MariaDB was present at SuseCon, both MariaDB Foundation as well as representatives from MariaDB Plc. The MariaDB Foundation has never attended SuseCon in the past, so this was an exciting new event for us. I’ll give you my view on the event and why I think it is a great event for the Open Source Software community.

The conference motto – #choice

SUSE’s focus is not on prescribing a particular technology, rather empowering its users to make the best choice for their situation. Most products in SUSE’s line-up work with multiple distributions and multiple software platforms.

Attending Percona University in Athens 2023

It’s been a while since we posted about community organised events. I’m happy to have the chance to talk about my experience attending Percona University in Athens.

For those in a hurry, the main topics are:
1. Databases in the cloud, why vendor-lock is important to consider.
2. How to build Open Source databases, FerretDB and TiDB, two completely different approaches.
3. Upgrading from MySQL 5.7, monitoring and AI to speed up things.

On the left we have Ananias Tsalouchidis, who gave a talk on upgrading from MySQL 5.7

Seeing familiar faces, discussing database experiences

When working within the MariaDB Foundation, it isn’t always easy to get feedback on what works and what doesn’t.