Thank you, 2020

At MariaDB Foundation, we have many reasons to be thankful towards all of those who have helped us during 2020.
A few sample contributions
We have recently expressed our gratitude towards contributors in our ecosystem, in 2020. Daniel Black explicitly thanked Tencent for their contributions, and Vicentiu Ciorbaru for the ARM related contributions.
On the same note, Intel has given us access to hardware and software to enable builds using Intel compilers, but more on that once we can release these new builds.
Moving from the specific to the general, our gratitude goes towards those who help MariaDB Foundation with its two main missions: supporting the openness and the adoption of MariaDB Server.
Thank you, developers of MariaDB Server!
As for openness, we will next year give you an overview of the code contributions given to us this year. Overall, the code contributions mean that the “development department” of MariaDB Server is by far bigger than the those carrying “MariaDB” in their job title – most of which aren’t even working for MariaDB Foundation, but for MariaDB Corporation. Regardless of where you work, thank you!
Thank you, speakers and attendees of MariaDB Server Fest!
As for adoption, we are especially grateful to the speakers and attendees during the various events throughout 2020, especially MariaDB Server Fest in September and the MariaDB Server Minifest we had in December. We are thankful for the big turnout, with a large five-figure amount of attendees. Thank you, all of you taught us a lot – no matter if you are an application developer or a DBA, a speaker or an attendee!
Thank you sponsors of MariaDB Foundation!
Finally, the work of MariaDB Foundation wouldn’t be possible without the sponsors that we have. Thank you, Platinum Sponsors – MariaDB Corporation, Alibaba, Tencent, Microsoft and ServiceNow! Thank you, Gold Sponsors – Visma, DBS Bank, and IBM! And thank you every single sponsor of MariaDB Foundation.
With all of you – contributors, speakers, developers, DBAs – we look forward to working together in 2021. See you again in the new year!