Name our sea-lion!

You might have heard the story of how we picked a sea-lion as our logo. Now that this lovely beast has been with us for a while, we think it’s high time to give it a name and of course we turn to our wonderful community for suggestions.
The rules are simple: complete this form, telling us what you think we should name the sea lion and why. Later, Maria Widenius will pick her favorite from the submissions, and the winner will get a collection of MariaDB t-shirts and other swag, an artwork by Maria, and of course eternal fame!
Lenie (
Manu :- it means A ruler of the earth.
Arima ? anagram of “Maria”. Maybe there is an anagram for “Mariadb”..
Nayte, is on to something, the anagram of MariaDB is Barmaid … lol
jk how about THALASSA goddess of the sea
Cleo (as in C-Lion…)