Google Summer of Code 2021

Good news, for you and for us: We have been approved for this year’s edition of Google Summer of Code!

What is Google Summer of Code?


The Google Summer of Code, often abbreviated to GSoC, is an international annual program in which Google awards stipends to students who successfully complete a free and open-source software coding project during the summer. The program is open to university students aged 18 or over. It was first held from May to August 2005. 

Howto run MariaDB on a Chromebook

Chromebooks are a breed of very portable and easy-to-use laptops with a Linux-based operating system from Google and hardware available from many manufactures. Chromebooks are very popular in the educational sector due to their low price and the effortlessness to use as they require next to no administration and “just works” all the time.

Despite being based on Linux (just like Android is), the Chromebook OS is a very closed down platform. Google ensures the devices are always safe and security updates are automatically installed, while the user just logs in with their Google account and does not have real root access to the devices (again, similar to Android systems). …