MariaDB Contribution Statistics, April 2024

With the first quarter of 2024 out of the way, we can take a look at the contribution statistics for the last three months. For the Foundation, this has been a very busy quarter, we have had a few big events to prepare for and attend. As well as two very large projects we are working on (Catalogs and vector indexing). This has meant that it has been difficult for us to keep up with all the wonderful contributions.

That being said, over the coming quarter we will try to rectify this and have some plans to make things better in future.

Post-mortem: PHP and MariaDB Docker issue

Years ago, I watched a film with my children (now adults themselves) called Meet the Robinsons. A running theme from the film is that it is OK to make mistakes because it is from those mistakes we can learn and “keep moving forward”.

An unfortunate perfect storm of several problems occurred which meant that on the 21st February 2024, the mariadb:latest Docker image would not work with PHP and NodeJS clients. Now, one of the things I helped introduce into the MariaDB Foundation is the concept of doing post-mortems, not just when things go wrong but when they go right too.

Migration with Docker Official Images

In this blog we will explore how to setup a docker compose file in order to migrate from MySQL 5.7 to the latest MariaDB.

In the next blog we will explain how to setup a docker compose file to migrate from MySQL 8.0 to MariaDB.

The steps to migrate from MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB are:

  1. Start container by running docker-compose file
  2. Use the MySQL data directory and start MariaDB with MARIADB_AUTO_UPGRADE=1

Let’s explore each step.

1. Start MySQL

The MySQL container is started using the following docker-compose file.

MariaDB Contribution Statistics, January 2024

It is the start of a new year, and with that brings the start of a new quarter, which means it is time for a contribution statistics update from us. I have lots of interesting data to walk you through this time, so let’s get started.

Year On Year Comparison

A good place to start would be to compare the previous year gone by with last year to see how we did. This table shows the number of organisations, contributors and commits to MariaDB Server in the last few years. The “Non-MariaDB” lines are contributors and commits by people who are not employed by MariaDB Plc or MariaDB Foundation.

Looking for MySQL 5.7 or 8.0 guinea pigs

Dear users of MySQL 5.7 (or 8.0)!

Are you interested in getting help migrating to MariaDB 10.6 or 10.11, the latest long-term support releases? Are you coming to Brussels for FOSDEM in February? Do you have an open attitude, not minding to show a bit of dirty laundry in front of other users?

Then you may be a perfect candidate for our MariaDB Migration Workshop at our pre-FOSDEM event on Friday 2 Feb 2024. The workshop will be led by none other than the father of both MySQL Server and MariaDB Server, namely Michael “Monty” Widenius.

MariaDB Contribution Statistics, October 2023

We are in October, which means it has been 4 months since the last metrics report. It is, therefore, time for another quarterly metrics report (plus a bit more). The extra month was to allow for an announcement which is a prerequisite for this post, and it also means we are more or less aligned to real quarters. The major changes to this will come in the second half of this post, we have lots of additional data for pull requests. With that, let’s get started.


Database changes should be SCARY

“The only workload that matters is my production workload” (for all values of “my”). So you can manage this responsibility, SCARY is a software tool which aims to take the uncertainty out of change; software, configuration and hardware changes. This is very early in development, but projects have to start somewhere.

SCARY takes a read view of the production database query execution, and does the equivalent query on a copy of the production database, that has differences. The query speed, query plan, data result (eventually) will be recorded along with what went on in production.

What programming languages do your applications that communicate with MariaDB use?

MariaDB Foundation polls are an informal way to get feedback from our community. They’ve always been a bit hidden, but the most recent poll sat on the front page for a while, and got a healthy 5,225 votes.

It asked “What programming languages do your applications that communicate with MariaDB use?”, and here are the results:

Python 30%
PHP 30%
Java 19%
NodeJS 16%
C# 15%
C/C++ 11%
Bash/Shell/Powershell 7%
Other 7%
TypeScript 6%
Go 6%
Rust 4%
R 3%
Ruby 2%

How do we use these results?