Barcelona hots up for MySQL-related activity

It seems there’s lot of activity in Barcelona, Spain in the coming weeks. Lenz Grimmer talks about speaking at LinuxCon Europe (Nov 5-9), where the conference really runs from Nov 5-7. I’m happy to be speaking about MariaDB on the 5th. Monty Program & SkySQL are joint-booth-sponsors of this event, so expect there to be a presence for Q&A at the booths.

While I wish I can stay on for the meetup organized by Giuseppe Maxia, like Lenz, I will have left Barcelona.

MariaDB/MySQL Tokyo Meetup #1

If you’re interested in MariaDB & MySQL and happen to be in Tokyo, do drop by the first ever MariaDB/MySQL Tokyo Meetup #1.

It happens October 16 2012, from 18.00-20.00. It is graciously hosted at K.K.Ashisuto (HQ) Salon Space (2nd floor). We have maps in Japanese and English.

See you there!

MariaDB non-blocking client API and node.js

Last Summer I implemented a non-blocking client API in MariaDB, and it was included in the MariaDB 5.5 release. But somehow I never got around to announcing it.

However, that did not prevent Brian White from noticing it, and using it to implement a new mysql binding for node.js called mariasql.

Now, node.js is a single-threaded, event-driven framework for web application sever development. In such frameworks, all I/O is done non-blocking or asynchronously, as are all other actions that may need to wait for external events. There is a single event loop which uses a poll() or similar system call to wait for any pending I/O or other event to complete, and then dispatches the appropriate event handler(s). …

Making it easier to follow and participate in MariaDB development

In June, I told about the consolidation of the MariaDB project tools. The final piece of this consolidation, to report bugs in the MariaDB project tracking tool called JIRA has now been finalized.

Bug reporting stays open! JIRA is open to anyone. The bug reports are publicly available, even without logging in and as a bonus it will be easier to follow what is going on in the project since you don’t have to jump between several tools to get the complete picture.

All bugs that existed in Launchpad have been migrated to JIRA. To find a bug that was originally reported on Launchpad use the following approaches:

  • If you happen to have the original bug id you can search for the bug by typing lp:bugid into the search field in the upper right corner of JIRA.

Announcing the Cassandra Storage Engine

We’re pleased to announce the first preview version of the Cassandra Storage Engine!

The Cassandra Storage Engine (SE) allows access to Cassandra databases from MariaDB/MySQL, and to provide data integration between the SQL and NoSQL worlds.

Have you ever needed to

  • grab some of Cassandra’s data from your web frontend, or SQL query?
  • insert a few records into Cassandra from some part of your app?

With Cassandra SE, this is easily possible. Cassandra SE makes Cassandra’s column families appear as MariaDB/MySQL tables that you can insert to, update, and select from. …

MariaDB Directions

Infor announced this week, that they will provide open source database alternatives to some of their products. MariaDB has been chosen, tested, and certified by Infor to be the open source database of choice (together with MySQL) for the Infor LN and ION products. Infor LN is Infor’s flagship ERP and is sometimes better known by its former name, Baan. It has 25 years of manufacturing know-how built into it and is used by more than 5,000 companies worldwide in a wide range of industries. These include automotive, industrial equipment and machinery, high tech and electronics, and aerospace and defense. …

MariaDB/MySQL Meetup #1 in Manila

It has been a long time since I’ve been to Manila, so we’re happy to have a meetup group there with the hopes of turning it regular. If you’re in the Makati area of metro Manila on Tuesday, September 11 2012 at 7pm, feel free to come to the first MariaDB/MySQL Meetup in Manila. RSVP and I hope to see you next Tuesday.

MariaDB Galera Cluster Alpha immediately available

Today we’re pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB Galera Cluster!

With this release, we’re addressing the numerous requests we’ve received over the past few months for a MariaDB-based Galera Cluster. MariaDB, the more reliable, performant, feature-complete & backwards compatible MySQL database becomes even more attractive by making it available for Galera Cluster.

What is it?

  • A straight merge of MariaDB 5.5.25 with Galera Cluster by Codership
  • An alpha release which should not be used in production environments
  • Using the Galera replication methodology, users get:
    • Synchronous, multi-master replication with guaranteed data consistency
    • This solution provides both read &