FOSDEM 2021 MariaDB is listening

FOSDEM 2021 was amazing. MariaDB had a developer room and Foundation members contributed talks to a number of other developer rooms. We were listening for ways in which MariaDB server could be improved during all these talks, regardless of which room our MariaDB Foundation staff were in.

MariaDB server developers present provided information related to recently fixed/improved items and things that are planned to be fixed.

Our interactions with the community of users present, many of which we know, gave us an opportunity to have a dialog about some of the parts of MariaDB that they would like improved.

Thanks Tencent!

In the name of the MariaDB Foundation, I would like to thank Tencent for their significant contributions to the MariaDB Server in 2020. The permission to, and encouragement of, Tencent staff to contribute towards MariaDB shows a superior and practical understanding of the value proposition of open source in delivering value to everyone at the same time as reducing software maintenance costs.

About Tencent’s DB Kernel Team

Tencent has a cloud native database kernel R&D team, focusing on database kernel optimisation and architecture evolution. The team is experienced (over ten years of database R&D experience) and serves hundreds of thousands of enterprise users.