Tag Archives: Metrics
I’m going to start this blog post by saying that I made a mistake, a mistake that means all of the metrics blog posts so far have been made with erroneous data. As part of our openness value I will give a post-mortem of the issue here.
Metrics generation
Before we look into what went wrong, I first need to give a bit of background. The commit metrics are generated using a tool called “gitdm”, this is a “Git Data Miner” that was designed to generate commit statistics for the Linux Kernel. Our fork of this is in the metrics repository which includes some customisations that fit MariaDB Server’s needs better.
Last month we provided contributor statistics for the last few years. We have had some fantastic feedback from this so today we are presenting you with another drop of contributor statistics for the last month. Normally we would be doing these quarterly but there are so many extra things to report that we decided to do a bonus one now.
Some key things have happened in the last month which affect the data, the first is that MariaDB 10.11 has had a preview release. Which means there has been a flurry of activity around this.
In the last meeting, the MariaDB Foundation Board proposed the regular publishing of contribution statistics. This post is an update on our progress and the first report.
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Something that is very important to us in the MariaDB Foundation is “Openness”. This is not only in the open source nature of MariaDB, but we are also very transparent in what happens with the MariaDB source code. With that in mind we have been working on ways to generate metrics that show information about the community in a consumable form.
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