Category Archives: Announcements
With MariaDB 10.0.0 having been released over ten years ago (12 Nov 2012), you may ask yourself when there will be MariaDB 11.0.0. If so, I can answer you: Today.
You can now download MariaDB Server 11.0 Alpha preview from our dedicated download page and check out the release notes.
Time has passed …
Of course, we have a better reason for going with a new first number in a release other than ten years having passed. Significant new features. Significant incompatibilities with earlier versions.
Continue reading “MariaDB 11.0 – new optimizer, new major version series”
Important news: MariaDB 10.11, which just was declared RC, is a long-term maintenance version. The industry standard term to refer to that concept is LTS (as in long-term support), and we too use this term for the releases that get a significantly longer lifetime of bug fixes.
We are announcing MariaDB 10.11 as LTS for a number of reasons:
Firstly, the purpose of an LTS is to reassure users – and, in particular, Linux distros – that a certain version will receive regular updates long-term, for the lifetime of their product.
The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.11.1, the first release candidate in the MariaDB 10.11 series, and MariaDB 10.10.2 the first generally available release in the short-term MariaDB 10.10 series.
See the release notes and changelogs for details.
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 10.11?
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 10.10?
MariaDB APT and YUM Repository Configuration Generator
Contributors to MariaDB 10.11.1
Addison G
Aleksey Midenkov (MariaDB Corporation)
Alexander Barkov (MariaDB Corporation)
Alexey Botchkov (MariaDB Corporation)
Andrei Elkin (MariaDB Corporation)
Andrew Hutchings (MariaDB Foundation)
Anel Husakovic (MariaDB Foundation)
Angelique Sklavounos (MariaDB Corporation)
Brad Smith
Brandon Nesterenko (MariaDB Corporation)
Daniel Bartholomew (MariaDB Corporation)
Daniel Black (MariaDB Foundation)
Daniele Sciascia (Codership)
Dmitry Shulga (MariaDB Corporation)
Elena Stepanova (MariaDB Corporation)
Haidong Ji (Amazon)
Hartmut Holzgraefe (MariaDB Corporation)
Ian Gilfillan (MariaDB Foundation)
Igor Babaev (MariaDB Corporation)
Jan Lindström (MariaDB Corporation)
Julius Goryavsky (MariaDB Corporation)
Lawrin Novitsky (MariaDB Corporation)
Lena Startseva (MariaDB Corporation)
Luis Eduardo Oliveira Lizardo
Marko Mäkelä (MariaDB Corporation)
Michael Qin (Amazon)
Michael Widenius (MariaDB Corporation and MariaDB Foundation)
Mikhail Chalov
Nayuta Yanagisawa
Nikita Malyavin (MariaDB Corporation)
Oleg Smirnov
Oleksandr Byelkin (MariaDB Corporation)
Otto Kekäläinen
Rucha Deodhar (MariaDB Corporation)
Sergei Golubchik (MariaDB Corporation)
Sergei Petrunia (MariaDB Corporation)
Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani (MariaDB Corporation)
Tuukka Pasanen
Vicențiu Ciorbaru (MariaDB Foundation)
Vladislav Vaintroub (MariaDB Corporation)
Vlad Lesin
Zhibo Zhang
50 Contributors
Contributors to MariaDB 10.10.2
Addison G
Aleksey Midenkov (MariaDB Corporation)
Alexander Barkov (MariaDB Corporation)
Alexey Botchkov (MariaDB Corporation)
Andrei Elkin (MariaDB Corporation)
Andrew Hutchings (MariaDB Foundation)
Anel Husakovic (MariaDB Foundation)
Angelique Sklavounos (MariaDB Corporation)
Brad Smith
Brandon Nesterenko (MariaDB Corporation)
Daniel Bartholomew (MariaDB Corporation)
Daniel Black (MariaDB Foundation)
Daniele Sciascia (Codership)
Dmitry Shulga (MariaDB Corporation)
Elena Stepanova (MariaDB Corporation)
Haidong Ji (Amazon)
Ian Gilfillan (MariaDB Foundation)
Igor Babaev (MariaDB Corporation)
Jan Lindström (MariaDB Corporation)
Julius Goryavsky (MariaDB Corporation)
Lawrin Novitsky (MariaDB Corporation)
Lena Startseva (MariaDB Corporation)
Marko Mäkelä (MariaDB Corporation)
Michael Widenius (MariaDB Corporation and MariaDB Foundation)
Mikhail Chalov
Nayuta Yanagisawa
Nikita Malyavin (MariaDB Corporation)
Oleg Smirnov
Oleksandr Byelkin (MariaDB Corporation)
Otto Kekäläinen
Rucha Deodhar (MariaDB Corporation)
Sergei Golubchik (MariaDB Corporation)
Sergei Petrunia (MariaDB Corporation)
Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani (MariaDB Corporation)
Tuukka Pasanen
Vicențiu Ciorbaru (MariaDB Foundation)
Vladislav Vaintroub (MariaDB Corporation)
Vlad Lesin
Zhibo Zhang
43 Contributors
Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB! …
Continue reading “MariaDB 10.11.1 RC and 10.10.2 GA now available”
FOSDEM 2023 is happily once again going to be an in-person event, and MariaDB will be participating as part of the MariaDB, MySQL and Friends devroom. The Call for Papers is now open.
FOSDEM 2023 will take place on Sat 4 to Sun 5 February 2023 at the ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium.
There are some changes in the organization to previous years. MySQL and MariaDB will each be responsible for its own track, so we will divide the devroom in two sub-tracks.
For the convenience of the speakers and participants, we will not mix the two sub-tracks, and you will have the possibility to follow either track you are interested in, or of course both. …
Continue reading “CfP for the MariaDB, MySQL and Friends devroom FOSDEM 2023 now open”
The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.9.4, MariaDB 10.8.6 and MariaDB 10.7.7, the latest Generally Available releases in their respective short-term series (maintained for one year from their first GA release dates), as well as MariaDB 10.6.11, MariaDB 10.5.18, MariaDB 10.4.27 and MariaDB 10.3.37, the latest stable release in their respective long-term series (maintained for five years).
See the release notes and changelogs for details.
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 10.9?
We are pleased to announce the preview release of the MariaDB 10.11 series, MariaDB 10.11.0.
Candidate features for MariaDB 10.11
Preview releases are designed to get features into the hands of users more quickly, and should not be used for production. Not all features in a preview release may make the Generally Available (GA) release. Features under consideration for 10.11 include:
- Separate SUPER and READ ONLY ADMIN privileges (MDEV-29596)
- Semi-join optimization for single-table update/delete statements (MDEV-7487)
- Allow pushdown of queries involving UNIONs in outer select to foreign engines (MDEV-25080)
- Make ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON show time spent in the query optimizer (MDEV-28926)
Information Schema
- Performance Issues reading the Information Schema Parameters table (MDEV-29104)
- Full table scan in the Information Schema Parameters and Information Schema Routines table (MDEV-20609)
System versioning
- System versioning setting, system_versioning_insert_history, to allow history modification (MDEV-16546)
- mariadb-dump: dump and restore historical data (MDEV-16029)
- Windows – passwordless login for mariadb root user, for OS admin users (MDEV-26715)
- Rename slow queries variables (MDEV-7567)
- Variable replicate_rewrite_db cannot be found in “show global variables” (MDEV-15530)
- innodb_write_io_threads and innodb_read_io_threads are now dynamic, and their values can be changed without restarting the server (MDEV-11026)
The features that pass testing will then be merged into MariaDB Server 10.11.1.
Continue reading “MariaDB 10.11.0 preview release now available”
The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.9.3, MariaDB 10.8.5 and MariaDB 10.7.6, the latest Generally Available releases in their respective short-term support series (maintained for one year from their first GA release dates), as well as MariaDB 10.6.10 the latest stable release in the 10.6 long-term support series (maintained for five years).
These releases fix critical regressions found in the previous releases. See the release notes and changelogs for details.
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 10.9?
Continue reading “MariaDB 10.9.3, 10.8.5, 10.7.6 and 10.6.10 now available”
The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.10.1, the first release candidate in the MariaDB 10.10 series, and MariaDB 10.9.2 the first generally available release in the MariaDB 10.9 series. These are both short-term support series, maintained for one year after GA.
See the release notes and changelogs for details.
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 10.10?
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 10.9?
Continue reading “MariaDB 10.10.1 RC and 10.9.2 GA now available”