We stand with Ukraine

This is a difficult blog entry to write. It involves war. But not a flame war. A real war where people are dying. Innocent people. You have all seen the pictures and videos, it is not my task to describe that.

MariaDB Foundation has been slow to react. This is because we have strong ties to both Ukrainian and Russian developers and we want to do the right thing, as individuals and as the Foundation. Let it be perfectly clear that MariaDB Foundation stands with Ukraine; that said, the rest of the blog is not written in first person plural.

MariaDB in 2021

At Vettabase we support various databases,and in particular we are MariaDB enthusiasts. Even more, we’re proud to be MariaDB Foundation Technology Partners. So I’m happy to write this small wrap-up about the MariaDB Foundation public activities in 2021! Just a disclaimer before starting: this is not an official retrospective, it’s a subjective, opinionated one. My opinions represent myself alone. So here is my favourite 2021 news in the MariaDB world…

MariaDB 10.6 went Generally Available in November (I wrote a summary on Vettabase website). A couple of unmaintained storage engines were removed, as well as 23 InnoDB variables.

Tricky Problems? MariaDB debug container

MariaDB does have bugs. Users see them sometimes. Sometimes developers look for a long time at bug reports and code and still cannot see how the situation occurred. Developers during their analysis ask questions like:

  • I wonder if this was already fixed in {not released version}? But how can I ask a user to test that?
  • Can I get the user to get good stack trace that would help understand this better? But users sometimes find this hard.
  • What exact hardware and kernel configuration is this bug occurring on? And how would I reproduce this?

New Service – quay.io/mariadb-foundation/mariadb-devel

During the development of MariaDB, a lot of things are tested. However the most important workload to be tested is the one we don’t have access to, and that is your workload.

As many of you run your own CI, we’d like you to invite you to join the testing of MariaDB. quay.io/mariadb-foundation/mariadb-devel is a container repository using the latest from our main stable branches. By the time any code gets into these branches it has been reviewed and passed our tests. The developers of the change consider it finished, so this is the perfect time to take this code and test it on your workload.

Server MiniFest Wed 10 Dec 2021: From the Frontlines

Join our next Server MiniFest, to get the latest news from the MariaDB Server frontlines – in a fresh format inspired by Not the Nine O’Clock News.

Not the Nine O’Clock News?

We may not be as funny as the famous BBC2 sketch comedy aired 1979-82. Let me correct myself: We don’t even aspire to be funny. But we do want to be interesting to follow, and make it easy for you to keep watching – not switching off the MariaDB channel for something else.

And we do that by replicating the fast tempo of the comedy role model.

MariaDB & Python: A Match?

Python is my personal favourite programming language, at least this century. So when the opportunity presented itself to have a talk at PyConZA, off I went. Not to South Africa in person, for a 40 minute talk, though.

Technical challenges on Streamyard

It was a live presentation, streamed on Streamyard with chat on Discord. I complained of the bad connectivity I had in central Munich, much to the amusement of the South African audience, which evidently thought they were role models and market leaders when it comes to bad Internet.

Challenges and Visions for MariaDB Server

At the MariaDB Foundation, we want MariaDB Server to be a model citizen in the Open Source world. For now, there is a sizeable gap between dreams and reality. But that doesn’t stop us from striving to improve. Let me here describe some of our challenges, and share some visions of where we want to be.

Continuous Integration

One pain point is the state of the development tree. A model citizen would ensure that the tree can always be built. Every day, all the features under development could be tested by the community, on all platforms.

Docker Library – Official MariaDB Image Maintenance

The Docker Library official MariaDB image is now maintained by the MariaDB Foundation, and has been for the last six months. If you didn’t notice, we’ll take that as a compliment, as the previous maintainers of Docker Library from Infosiftr were doing a good job already. Infosiftr still provide valuable quality assurance on the releases before they get to you.

What’s Changed?

What we have done, with assistance from you, our community, is:


  • Continued the parting contribution by Infosiftr MARIADB_* environment names and added MARIADB_INITDB_SKIP_TZINFO for consistency.
  • Allowed the timezone to be changed.