MariaDB Day Brussels Aftertaste 2025-02

Back from Brussels! With a bit of time to reflect, I’d like to share the aftertaste from our MariaDB Day, our very own FOSDEM Fringe Event. Prepare for an information-packed blog entry with links to the presentations, including live recordings and often the slide decks.

Billionaire controversy cancelled

Brussels during the first weekend of February is a hotbed of Open Source. The weather might not be hot, in contrast to the discussions in the corridors and rooms of the ULB university. The hottest topic expected – boycotting the presentation of Twitter founder Jack Dorsey – didn’t really happen.

Four reasons to visit MariaDB Day in Brussels

Still unsure about attending the MariaDB Day in Brussels on Saturday? Here are four reasons to turn up at our FOSDEM Fringe event.

1.⁠ ⁠Discover blazingly fast Vector search

Learn how to power your latest AI app with MariaDB Vector. Mark Callaghan has been testing its performance and the results are amazingly fast compared to Postgres’ pgvector. Check out part 1, part 2 and part 3 of his blog.

2.⁠ ⁠Meet the people behind MariaDB

At MariaDB Day you will find several people from MariaDB Foundation, Company and partners: Sergei Golubchik, Vicențiu Ciorbaru, Otto Kekalainen, Peter Zaitsev, Kristian Nielsen, Roman Nozdrin, Jags Ramnarayan, Diego Dupin and Kaj Arnö.

Register for MariaDB Day Sessions 1 Feb 2025

Time to sign up! The schedule is out for our first 2025 MariaDB Day, in Brussels 1 Feb 2025.

And what a schedule it is, with insightful presentations by top-brass presenters.

The latest new features

First of all, this is the opportunity to get the big picture of the latest new features in MariaDB.

  • Peter Zaitsev of Percona gives an external overview of the “Splendidly wonderful features in MariaDB 11” – looking forward to another one of his top-rated presentations!

FOSDEM 2024 follow-up

What a FOSDEM weekend in Brussels! This was MariaDB Foundation’s best FOSDEM ever, although it wasn’t a FOSDEM at all. Confused? Stay tuned.

A live migration from MySQL 5.7

The highlight in several respects was the live migration of the Cantamen cluster from MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB 10.11.

Currently, cantamen operates a MySQL 5.7 master-slave-replication cluster as backbone for our Carsharing system software solution “EBuS”. We are the leading provider in this market serving some 10.000 vehicles for roughly estimated 150.000 users. Three database schemas with some 550 tables fill about 412 GB of hard disk space on the 128-GB-RAM-equipped servers.

FOSDEM 2023: MariaDB Reflections

Finally, a face to face FOSDEM! The encounters invigorated day-to-day work for all of MariaDB Foundation, even those of us not present in Brussels.

Withdrawal symptoms

With three years since last time, it felt like it was about time to see the familiar FOSDEM faces live again. Finally, last weekend gave us a chance to do what one had come to take for granted – meet in packed devrooms, hear the latest, chat in corridors, exchange thoughts and make plans at Brussels cafés and restaurants.

Back with MySQL

The MariaDB, MySQL and Friends room was back together in one room, having been separated virtually.

MariaDB at FOSDEM 2023

MariaDB is at FOSDEM 2023, and it’s great to be back for the in-person event in Brussels for the first time since 2020. We’ll be participating in the MariaDB, MySQL and friends devroom. If you’re here in person, come see us live in room K.3.201 on Sunday morning, or come hang out at anytime our stand at Building K Level 1 Group B Stand 8.

And if you’re not enjoying the Belgian culinary delights and the rain in person, everything will be livestreamed, as well as available on video at a later stage. …

CfP for the MariaDB, MySQL and Friends devroom FOSDEM 2023 now open

FOSDEM 2023 is happily once again going to be an in-person event, and MariaDB will be participating as part of the MariaDB, MySQL and Friends devroom. The Call for Papers is now open.

FOSDEM 2023 will take place on Sat 4 to Sun 5 February 2023 at the ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium.

There are some changes in the organization to previous years. MySQL and MariaDB will each be responsible for its own track, so we will divide the devroom in two sub-tracks.

For the convenience of the speakers and participants, we will not mix the two sub-tracks, and you will have the possibility to follow either track you are interested in, or of course both. …

FOSDEM22 MariaDB devroom talks

FOSDEM, one of the premier free and open source events on the calendar, is taking place this weekend, Saturday 5 February to Sunday 6 February. The MariaDB devroom will be taking place on the Saturday.

Thanks to the committee, consisting of

Sveta Smirnova (Percona)
Oli Sennhauser (FromDual)
Manuel Arostegui (Wikimedia Foundation)
Federico Razzoli (Vettabase)
Daniel Black (MariaDB Foundation)
Daniel Bartholomew (MariaDB Corporation)

for their valuable feedback.

The schedule is:

Take a look at the schedule on the FOSDEM site for any last-minute changes, as well as links to the videos and chatrooms.