Tag Archives: security
Usually when one says “SSL” or “TLS” it means not a specific protocol but a family of protocols. Wikipedia article has the details, but in short — SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 are deprecated and should not be used anymore (the well-known POODLE vulnerability exploits the flaw in SSL 3.0). TLS 1.0 is sixteen years old and while it’s still being used, new security standards (for example PCI DSS v3.1) require TLS 1.1 or, preferably, TLS 1.2.
MySQL used to support TLS 1.0 since 2001. Which means MariaDB supported it from the day one, and never supported weaker SSL 2.0 or SSL 3.0. …
Last week, a SSL connection security vulnerability was reported for MySQL and MariaDB. The vulnerability states that since MariaDB and MySQL do not enforce SSL when SSL support is enabled, it’s possible to launch Man In The Middle attacks (MITM). MITM attacks can capture the secure connection and turn it into an insecure one, revealing data going back and forth to the server.
Issue resolution in MariaDB is visible through the corresponding ticket in MariaDB’s tracking system (JIRA): https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-7937
The vulnerability affects the client library of the database server in both MariaDB and MySQL. But, the vulnerability does not affect all the libraries, drivers or connectors for establishing SSL connections with the server. …
Continue reading “Information on the SSL connection vulnerability of MySQL and MariaDB”
I’m getting more and more concerned about the current Oracle approach to MySQL security. And the fact that I was solely responsible for the security@mysql.com for about ten years, doesn’t make it easier, on the contrary, it only emphasizes changes in the attitude.
Starting from the obvious — somewhat slower response to critical bug fixes, which can be expected, Oracle is a big company, right? Very little information about security vulnerabilities is disclosed, CPUs are carefully stripped from anything that might help to understand the problem, it takes hours to map them to code changes. Heck, even test cases are kept private now. …
In this primer I will show how to improve the security of your MariaDB installation by using two-step verification and how to use it from your Windows GUI client.
Let’s suppose you have your data in MariaDB, installed, say, on Ubuntu. And your users connect to it to run ad hoc queries, using some sort of a Windows GUI client. You don’t want them to write the access password on post-it notes or have it auto-entered by the client. And you don’t want anyone see the password when one of the salespersons connects to the mother ship from his laptop in the Internet café. …
Continue reading “MariaDB: Improve Security with Two-Step Verification”