Newsletters from the MariaDB dev meeting in Lisbon

Every morning before any of the meetings get started I print out a small one page newsletter which contains (among other things) the program for the day. Rather than keep them private, Colin suggested I post them here. I call the newsletter the “MariaDB Programador de Journal” which (I think) translates to “MariaDB Programmer’s Journal” in Portuguese.

[Updated, 13 Mar 2011, to add the newsletter for that day.]

At the meeting we’ve also been taking notes and posting them online for what improvements we want to make this year in MariaDB to make it even better. …

MariaDB 5.2.5 released; agenda for Lisbon Dev Meeting

Shortly after we released MariaDB 5.1.55, we also cooked MariaDB 5.2.5 (which includes MariaDB 5.1.55). See the release notes, and the changelog. Download MariaDB 5.2.5 now!

The developer meeting in Lisbon, Portugal is about to start, and there’s an agenda available. If you’re not going to be in Lisbon, please hop onto IRC and join the #maria channel on Saturday March 12 2011 (UTC+0) as the roadmap for MariaDB is to be discussed live as well as via IRC.

If you have further agenda items and cannot make it to Lisbon, use the mailing list: – make sure you’re subscribed.

Bzr hacks and tricks: diff -p

I don’t know about you, but I like diff -p [1].  Having used it for years, I can read these diffs like a text, while diffs without -p often need to have the original file opened side by side, just to get enough of the context.

Loving diff -p so much, I want to see it everywhere (evil laughter). Alas, in bzr only diff command can easily use -p, just run it as bzr diff –diff-options=-p or store it as an alias in the ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf. …

The AskMonty Knowledge Base – Open for editing

Almost a year ago we launched the AskMonty Knowledgebase, a home for information on MariaDB and MySQL. When we launched, only employees had access to write articles, though anyone could ask a question. This was done for technical reasons. The good news is that that has changed, with the latest version we just pushed live, anyone with an account (or an open ID) can create and edit articles.

There is only so much content we can write so we want your contributions, from completely new articles to editing and improving what we already have. If you have questions on how to get started, you can join the Maria Docs group on launchpad and ask on the mailing list. …

MariaDB 5.1.55 released and a short newsletter update

Trying a new format… Are you subscribed to the announce mailing list? The following is straight from the archives.


  • Release of MariaDB 5.1.55
  • Meeting in Lisbon
  • Call for volunteers for booth duty


  • DrupalCon Chicago
  • Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco


MariaDB 5.1.55 Released

Dear MariaDB users,

The development team have been busy and are ready to release MariaDB 5.1.55. MariaDB is a branch of the MySQL database which includes all major open source storage engines, myriad bug fixes and many community patches.

MariaDB will be at Percona Live

Monty Program Ab has signed up to be a sponsor at Percona Live, and has donated the logo placement to the MariaDB project.

Percona Live happens on February 16 2011, in San Francisco. From 11:30-11:55, we will have our very own Igor Babaev to give a talk titled The State of MariaDB in where he will cover the new features in MariaDB 5.2, and a little bit about looking forward.

Percona Server offers a range of performance and diagnostic enhancements, and MariaDB is adding more features with the help of the community.

Kajona is running with MariaDB

Based on small talk with Stefan Idler and Jakob Schröter at OpenRheinRuhr2010, Kajona CMS now officially works with MariaDB. They tested MariaDB and verified that it was a drop-in-replacement for MySQL without any modifications needed on their side. We are of course happy to hear about all real-life success stories!

You can find more about Kajona here.

If your project or product also supports MariaDB, then please tell us about it! You can find our growing list of supported software on our Knowledgebase. …

MariaDB will be at Open Database Camp Sardinia 2011

Monty Program Ab has signed up to be a sponsor at the Open Database Camp Sardinia 2011, and has donated the logo placement to the MariaDB project.

As a company we definitely plan to have a few employees attend and speak about all the things we’ve been working on in MariaDB. Will you be there? Go fill out the attendee list.

We’re all very excited at the first Open Database Camp (with a similar OpenSQLCamp format) and are especially excited for it being hosted in the beautiful island of Sardinia.