MariaDB Foundation assisting multiple vendors

I recently helped two of our sponsors simultaneously, DBS Bank and MariaDB Plc, with a recent issue they were experiencing. This actually helped us add support for an extra cloud vendor. But before I tell the story, I first need to give a bit of background.

S3 Engine History

Back in 2019, we added the S3 engine to MariaDB Server. “S3” stands for “Simple Storage Service”, it was developed by Amazon, and it is pretty much the standard for storing objects (typically files) in the cloud. Almost every cloud vendor has their own object storage with an S3-compatible REST API.

Attending Percona University in Athens 2023

It’s been a while since we posted about community organised events. I’m happy to have the chance to talk about my experience attending Percona University in Athens.

For those in a hurry, the main topics are:
1. Databases in the cloud, why vendor-lock is important to consider.
2. How to build Open Source databases, FerretDB and TiDB, two completely different approaches.
3. Upgrading from MySQL 5.7, monitoring and AI to speed up things.

On the left we have Ananias Tsalouchidis, who gave a talk on upgrading from MySQL 5.7

Seeing familiar faces, discussing database experiences

When working within the MariaDB Foundation, it isn’t always easy to get feedback on what works and what doesn’t.

MariaDB now available as a hosted database via Jelastic cloud platform

About Jelastic:

Jelastic is the next generation of Java Platforms as a Service.

Unlike previous cloud platforms, Jelastic:

  • Can run any Java application and so does not require developers to change their code or get locked-into the platform,
  • Can scale any application up and down by automatically adding or removing memory and CPU units depending on the application load,
  • Takes all configuration and management worries away: developers simply specify the application stack and database options they need and Jelastic creates, configures, and maintains the environment for them
  • Supports a wide range of application server stacks including Tomcat, JBoss, Jetty, and GlassFish
  • Out of the box, allows users to get a preconfigured instance of MariaDB up and running and available to the application.