Improving MariaDB support in open source projects

As part of MariaDB’s efforts in Adoption, we have been working on support of MariaDB in open source projects. 

The open source projects we have been looking at range from well known, ready to use projects like WordPress or MediaWiki (that Wikipedia runs on), to under-the-hood solutions like ORMs that connect software with databases for countless other open source and private projects.

MariaDB is the de facto standard that many projects and users are running. As MariaDB diverges, matures and develops on its own path from MySQL, especially in later versions, it’s not enough to shrug off compatibility questions with “MariaDB is a drop-in MySQL replacement – everybody knows that”.

FOSDEM 2021: Remote energy

You can take FOSDEM out of Brussels, but you cannot take the Brussels out of FOSDEM. Meeting virtually is different, but FOSDEM once again succeeded in invigorating spirits and building bonds between developers.

Picture on top: myself “at FOSDEM” 2021. Missing the crowds, but still getting interaction!

Presentations now live on YouTube

The MariaDB presenters, the MariaDB Devroom organising committee and the team at MariaDB Foundation put considerable effort into all MariaDB talks at FOSDEM. The 24 MariaDB related talks are now all available on-line as a YouTube playlist on

FOSDEM playlist

Still friends with MySQL

MariaDB Foundation got its first-ever devroom just for MariaDB Server.

MariaDB Foundation Board welcomes new members

2017 has been very successful for the entire MariaDB ecosystem. There have been great strides on all fronts including adoption, funding, collaboration, products, services and of course, in the development and maintenance of the MariaDB Server code itself.

We are also proud to announce that this is also reflected in the MariaDB Foundation’s board, which saw several new members elected to it in 2017. In June 2017 the board elected 3 new members: Xiaobin Lin from Alibaba Cloud, Todd Boyd from IBM and Barry Abrahamson. Barry is employed by Automattic, but he was elected to represent the user community. …

MariaDB Server is a true open source project

The mission of the MariaDB Foundation is to ensure continuity and open collaboration in the MariaDB ecosystem. We facilitate the development of the MariaDB Server and the related connectors as listed on our GitHub account. Core to us is to enable and foster collaboration so that contributing is meaningful and produces results for everybody.

Here are some of the things we do to ensure true open source: