This month in MariaDB Foundation: Feb 2025

The act of measuring disturbs the system and changes its state.” is a quote attributed to Werner Heisenberg. While I am uncertain about whether Heisenberg ever uttered those exact words, I am certain that the quote “What doesn’t get measured, doesn’t get managed” is a management adage that gets a lot of negative publicity, deservedly so.

Metrics Not Considered Harmful

Yet, metrics can be helpful. MariaDB Foundation is far from overmeasuring pointy-haired-boss numbers, and in February, we made an attempt at systematically creating a meaningful metric that is easy to calculate.

Report from the Board

Openness, Adoption, Continuity: You’ve heard me repeating our mantra like a broken record. Today is the next episode – and the theme du jour is about our Board Meetings, which we have minuted publicly on since October 2020.

At last Wednesday’s Board Meeting, we made quite a few important decisions – let me draw your attention to them in this separate blog entry.

Ex officio: Michael Widenius and Sergei Golubchik

First, we properly documented the special role of our founding Board members, Michael Widenius and Sergei Golubchik

This month in MariaDB Foundation: Jan 2025

Focus, focus, focus! That’s the mantra of any successful organisation. With great input from our Board, we’ve managed to condense our strategic planning for 2025 into six goals.

Refiguring the process – from descriptive to prescriptive

Our goal setting started from mapping out our activities 2024. I asked myself: “How can we describe what we do on one page?”. There were 38 activities – think “Scrum Epics” – in 6 areas.

Guess what? That’s too many. No Board member is interested in that level of detail. Oh well, I should have known.

Back to the drawing board.

MariaDB 11.8 is LTS

Confirming what you probably already expected: MariaDB Server 11.8 will be a long-term support release. 

Now a Release Candidate – GA in May

With MariaDB Vector as the lead new feature, MariaDB 11.8 succeeds the previous LTS MariaDB 11.4 from a year ago.

As of now, MariaDB 11.8 is at the Release Candidate stage, with GA planned for May.

Lots of new features since MariaDB 11.4

MariaDB 11.8 has about 60 features, large and small, on top of the previous LTS, MariaDB 11.4. At our recent MariaDB Day on 1 Feb 2025 in Brussels, MariaDB Corporation Chief Architect Sergei Golubchik gave an overview of 11.8.

MariaDB Day Brussels Aftertaste 2025-02

Back from Brussels! With a bit of time to reflect, I’d like to share the aftertaste from our MariaDB Day, our very own FOSDEM Fringe Event. Prepare for an information-packed blog entry with links to the presentations, including live recordings and often the slide decks.

Billionaire controversy cancelled

Brussels during the first weekend of February is a hotbed of Open Source. The weather might not be hot, in contrast to the discussions in the corridors and rooms of the ULB university. The hottest topic expected – boycotting the presentation of Twitter founder Jack Dorsey – didn’t really happen.

Register for MariaDB Day Sessions 1 Feb 2025

Time to sign up! The schedule is out for our first 2025 MariaDB Day, in Brussels 1 Feb 2025.

And what a schedule it is, with insightful presentations by top-brass presenters.

The latest new features

First of all, this is the opportunity to get the big picture of the latest new features in MariaDB.

  • Peter Zaitsev of Percona gives an external overview of the “Splendidly wonderful features in MariaDB 11” – looking forward to another one of his top-rated presentations!

MariaDB highlights in 2024: Vectors, K1, and contributions

New Year’s Eve is when everyone takes stock of the year that has passed. At MariaDB Foundation, we’re no different.

The technical highlight: MariaDB Vector

It’s not hard to pick the technical MariaDB highlight of the year: It’s MariaDB Vector.

No big surprise there: The biggest new thing in IT is AI. AI is getting mainstream. Mainstream applications need databases. Databases need stability, performance, ease of use. And low cost.

The solution: MariaDB Server. It’s relational. It’s standard. It’s Open Source.

The business highlight: MariaDB plc on a solid footing

It’s equally easy to pick the business MariaDB highlight of the year: K1 taking over MariaDB plc.

What do you expect from vector storage in databases?

We’re no mind readers, so from time to time, we like to do polls. Polls are quantitative in nature, so coming up with the right question is not enough – we need to do a bit of mind reading in coming up with the alternatives.

Quick development of text based RAG apps

Our hypothesis was that RAG is the cool thing to do with vector based databases, and specifically text based RAG. The conference talks we’ve given on MariaDB Vector (such as at the 24th SFSCON in Bozen, Südtirol, Italy on 8 Nov 2024) have stressed the value of easily being able to develop AI applications that answer user prompts based on knowledge in a specific text mass, not on the overall training data of an LLM.