Report from the Board

Openness, Adoption, Continuity: You’ve heard me repeating our mantra like a broken record. Today is the next episode – and the theme du jour is about our Board Meetings, which we have minuted publicly on since October 2020.

At last Wednesday’s Board Meeting, we made quite a few important decisions – let me draw your attention to them in this separate blog entry.

Ex officio: Michael Widenius and Sergei Golubchik

First, we properly documented the special role of our founding Board members, Michael Widenius and Sergei Golubchik

China Has Great Potential for MariaDB Server

Our Board Meeting in April 2022 elected two seasoned new voting board members. One of them is Xiang Peng (Sean), Director, RDS Open Source Databases at Alibaba Cloud. I had the pleasure of having a Fireside Chat with him, which we recorded and put up on YouTube. Read on for his recommendations for MariaDB Foundation in China.

A Man With the Right CV for MariaDB Foundation

Sean, as he calls himself for those of us who have problems remembering, reading or writing his real name 彭祥, is a great resource for MariaDB Foundation.

Board Meeting 1/2019

MariaDB Foundation has an upcoming board meeting soon. Let me grab the opportunity to publicly share more about the Foundation Board, who is on it, and what the board decided in the previous board meeting, Wed 17 Apr 2019.

We meet over Zoom, after first setting a date and a time. With board members from California in the West to Shenzhen in the East, finding a time of day is always painful. We usually end up with a Californian morning, US East coast mid day, European evening, and Chinese late night. Last meeting, everyone was present, which is great, but timing was an ordeal in particular for the Chinese board members, with a meeting that started at midnight.

MariaDB Foundation Board welcomes new members

2017 has been very successful for the entire MariaDB ecosystem. There have been great strides on all fronts including adoption, funding, collaboration, products, services and of course, in the development and maintenance of the MariaDB Server code itself.

We are also proud to announce that this is also reflected in the MariaDB Foundation’s board, which saw several new members elected to it in 2017. In June 2017 the board elected 3 new members: Xiaobin Lin from Alibaba Cloud, Todd Boyd from IBM and Barry Abrahamson. Barry is employed by Automattic, but he was elected to represent the user community. …