MariaDB Server’s continuous integration & testing available to community

How MariaDB Server is tested

MariaDB Foundation is commited to ensuring MariaDB Server has a thriving community of developers and contributors. A software project cannot be maintained without proper tests. mysql-test-run is our standard testing toolkit for MariaDB Server. What it (mostly) does is run queries against one or more servers and compare their output to the expected one. This checks both behaviour and data consistency. The main principle is the server should always return the same data that is put into it.

One problem with this testing method is that it only covers the hosts’ environment. That means that if you are running Debian on x86_64 architecture, you are testing x86_64 architecture on a Debian Linux distribution. …

“How to write your first patch ? ” – MariaDB Unconference Presentations

 Have you ever wondered how to get started with contributions to the world’s most popular open source database? Did you have a problems with building and configuring from source code, writing the contribution patch and testing the server with  use of mysql-test-run (mtr) framework  afterwards?
How to make your patch visible to other developers?
In this section we will go through each step in this process from getting the latest source code, testing the server and writing your first contribution with the live demo!
Let’s get started! Anel Husakovic (  – is going to talk about it all at our New York Unconference 23d-24th of February …