Redirecting Downloaders to Knowledge Base

At the end of the download process for MariaDB Server from, downloaders will from now on be redirected to a MariaDB Knowledge Base page with further information related to how to work with the MariaDB Server release just downloaded.

This is meant to be helpful for the downloader, both when getting started with MariaDB in general, and with that specific release in particular.

The decision to redirect downloaders to a site run by the MariaDB Corporation needs special care. The MariaDB Foundation board voted on the issue, with the board members who work for the MariaDB Corporation abstaining from the vote. … page views increased by 77%

It is over a year since the overhauled was published. We immediately got a lot of positive feedback and now looking at the statistics a year later we are glad to report that the number of visits has grown by 28% and the amount of page views has grown a whopping 77% from 1,1 million to 1,9 million. That is a significant acceleration in growth when one considers that the growth of page views the previous year (from 2014 to 2015) was only 7%. Some of the growth can surely be attributed to a general trend of MariaDB getting more adoption, but in particular the growth of page views (77%) and the decrease of bounces (-37%) and the average session duration increase from 1 minute to 1½ minutes can be attributed to the redesign. …

New with fresh looks and contents

Today we have published a long overdue facelift of the website. You are looking at the result right now! Some of the highlights are:

  • New responsive design with the new logo and a blue theme
  • The old blog has been merged into the main site
  • The supporters of the Foundation are much more visible thanks to the big banner in the footer
  • What the MariaDB Foundation is and what it does is now better presented
  • Policies related to MariaDB and instructions on how to contribute to the open source project have been updated
  • It is now easier for individuals to donate to the Foundation thanks to the PayPal and Flattr buttons.