Author Archives: Kaj Arnö
Yes, we are hiring!
And we are hiring for quite an interesting position: As a senior developer of MariaDB Server, with merging community code contributions as a main task.
A demanding job
This is a very demanding job. The MariaDB Server code base is large and complex, and being a good C / C++ developer is only the starting point for being able to contribute to it. You also need to understand databases, and the existing codebase architecture.
A demanding code base
The existing codebase is demanding. Depending on how you look at it, it’s either very efficient (if you know it well), or it has many dependencies (if you don’t).
Continue reading “We’re hiring: Senior MariaDB Developer / Code Reviewers”
The lifeblood of MariaDB Foundation is contributions. Our trinity consists of the fundamental values of Adoption (of MariaDB Server), Openness (of the MariaDB Server codebase), and Continuity (of our operations and activities), all of which are centered around MariaDB Server. We rely on our financial sponsors to finance our activities, but the financial value of the code contributions we receive outshines the total sponsorship payments. That has been the case every year since MariaDB Server was launched.
Giving recognition to code contributions
The MariaDB Foundation has not given proper recognition to this fact, of the value of our contributions.
Our Board Meeting in April 2022 elected two seasoned new voting board members. One of them is Xiang Peng (Sean), Director, RDS Open Source Databases at Alibaba Cloud. I had the pleasure of having a Fireside Chat with him, which we recorded and put up on YouTube. Read on for his recommendations for MariaDB Foundation in China.
A Man With the Right CV for MariaDB Foundation
Sean, as he calls himself for those of us who have problems remembering, reading or writing his real name 彭祥, is a great resource for MariaDB Foundation.
Continue reading “China Has Great Potential for MariaDB Server”
Please join MariaDB Foundation in giving a bit of financial recognition to Olivier Bertrand, the developer behind the CONNECT Storage Engine! We will match your contribution up to a total of 5.000 €, on top of the 5.000 € that we have already allocated 5000 € for Olivier Bertrand’s Lifetime MariaDB Contribution Award.
What is CONNECT?
Olivier Bertrand is an unsung hero. He is the original contributor and still the main developer behind the CONNECT Storage Engine, which – much as its descriptive name indicates – enables MariaDB Server users to connect to a variety of databases other than MariaDB Server itself.
Continue reading “Celebrating Olivier Bertrand of the CONNECT Engine”
MariaDB Server Documentation is now released as a single PDF file, browsable offline. Download the over 3000 pages and check it out!
Better late than never
Some things take long! In 2014, there was a request on Jira for delivering the MariaDB Server Knowledgebase in one PDF file. That’s over seven years ago. MDEV-6881, you see it in the number already – we are now at well beyond MDEV-28000.
The request has always been in the back of our heads. What triggered it now was playing around with Python and the relative ease of transforming one format to another, including PDF.
Things happen, schedules change. I don’t want to bother you with details, so you’ll have to take my word for it: Events related to Russia invading Ukraine have caused us to delay our Security themed MariaDB Server Fest with a week, from Wed 30 March to Wed 6 April 2022.
This is probably the mildest of the consequences of the ongoing war. Nonetheless, we apologise for the inconvenience.
Continue reading “Delaying Server Fest until Wed 6 April 2022”
Good news from and for MariaDB Foundation: in Schaffhausen Institute of Technology (SIT), we have a new Platinum Sponsor. With the additional funds and with the insights provided by Serguei Beloussov, who will work with the MariaDB Foundation on the board level, we expect to improve our ability to further the MariaDB Foundation mission related to our values of Openness, Adoption, and Continuity.
Introducing SIT
This event marks a first in our work with sponsors, given that our top-level sponsor list has so far contained only names fairly familiar to industry players: DBS Bank, Visma, IBM, Microsoft, Alibaba, Tencent, and Service Now, not to mention the eponymous MariaDB Corporation.
Continue reading “New Sponsor: Schaffhausen Institute of Technology”
This is a difficult blog entry to write. It involves war. But not a flame war. A real war where people are dying. Innocent people. You have all seen the pictures and videos, it is not my task to describe that.
MariaDB Foundation has been slow to react. This is because we have strong ties to both Ukrainian and Russian developers and we want to do the right thing, as individuals and as the Foundation. Let it be perfectly clear that MariaDB Foundation stands with Ukraine; that said, the rest of the blog is not written in first person plural.