From 5 to 7 November 2018 will be my first conference visit since taking up my new position. The sub-title of the conference in Frankfurt is “Open Source Database Conference”, which is great and quite accurate, as there are a lot of different database systems represented. The name is not new though…. Georg Richter, Zak Greant and I started a conference by that name well over a decade ago.
The inaugural edition of what we then called OpenDBcon in 2005 saw, among others, Gregory Burd (BerkelyDB, Sleepycat), Josh Berkus, Gavin Sherry and Peter Eisentraut (PostgreSQL), Fred Toussi (HSQLDB), Dan Debrunner (Derby), D.Richard Hipp from SQLite, people from Firebird, many people from MySQL AB and the MySQL Community, and special guest newcomer Ingres which was about to get open sourced (Feb 2006). …
Continue reading “MariaDB Foundation at Percona Live Europe 2018”
The MariaDB Foundation has had 2 projects accepted for Google Summer of Code 2018, of which one we deemed successful. Teodor Niculescu (’s work was part of an effort to improve MariaDB’s query optimiser by providing faster histogram collection using equal-width histograms. His project is not yet in a release worthy state, yet we are working alongside him to get it feature complete (hopefully for our 10.4 version). We are glad that Teodor has chosen to present his work at the MariaDB Developer Unconference in Tampere and also remain within the community, although currently busy with his studies as is expected. …
Continue reading “MariaDB Foundation at the Google Mentor Summit”
First of all, thank you for your warm words of welcome – coming from so many people across different media, I think this is a very positive sign for working with the organisations and individuals within the MariaDB community.
Regardless of the situation, a change like this, or actually the person that comes in, is often described as a “new broom”. So I’m a new broom. This can provide a fresh start throughout, with an opportunity to clean up some stuff that is outdated, improve a few things, and execute new initiatives.
In my first week as CEO I’ve been talking with all our staff and of course reading up on many things. …
The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.3.10, the latest stable release in the MariaDB 10.3 series. See the release notes and changelogs for details.
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 10.3?
MariaDB APT and YUM Repository Configuration Generator
Contributors to MariaDB 10.3.10
Alexander Barkov (MariaDB Corporation)
Alexey Botchkov (MariaDB Corporation)
Anel Husakovic (MariaDB Foundation)
Ben Rubson
Daniel Bartholomew (MariaDB Corporation)
Daniel Black (IBM)
Daniele Sciascia (Codership)
Elena Stepanova (MariaDB Corporation)
Eugene Kosov (Tempesta)
Faustin Lammler (MariaDB Foundation)
Galina Shalygina (MariaDB Corporation)
Ian Gilfillan (MariaDB Foundation)
Igor Babaev (MariaDB Corporation)
Jacob Mathew (MariaDB Corporation)
Jan Lindström (MariaDB Corporation)
Jimmy Hedman
Julius Goryavsky
Mario Karuza (Codership)
Marko Mäkelä (MariaDB Corporation)
Michael Widenius (MariaDB Corporation and MariaDB Foundation)
Ming Lin
Nikita Malyavin
Oleksandr Byelkin (MariaDB Corporation)
Olivier Bertrand
Otto Kekäläinen (MariaDB Foundation)
Rasmus Johansson (MariaDB Corporation)
Sachin Setiya (MariaDB Corporation)
Sergei Golubchik (MariaDB Corporation)
Sergei Petrunia (MariaDB Corporation)
Sergey Vojtovich (MariaDB Foundation)
Teemu Ollakka (Codership)
Teodor Mircea Ionita (MariaDB Foundation)
Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani (MariaDB Corporation)
Varun Gupta (MariaDB Corporation)
Vasil Dimov (Codership)
Vicențiu Ciorbaru (MariaDB Foundation)
Vladislav Vaintroub (MariaDB Corporation)
38 Contributors
Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB! …
It’s both my pleasure and honour to write this post. Quite a few of you will know (of) me, but since that’s not necessarily the case I’ll try and make this a quick intro, as well as laying out some aspects of my thoughts and plans for the near future.
Who is Arjen?
A long time ago now, I was employee#25 at MySQL AB. During that period (2001-2007) I worked on the MySQL reference manual and built the docs team, spoke at many conferences, user groups and events, built the global community relations team and its activities, was program chair for the 2005 and 2006 MySQL Users’ Conference, taught training courses, and represented the company in Australia. …
Continue reading “Hello World from the new MariaDB Foundation CEO: Arjen Lentz”
The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.2.18, the latest stable release in the MariaDB 10.2 series, as well as MariaDB Connector/Node.js 2.0.0, the second alpha release of the new 100% JavaScript non-blocking MariaDB client for Node.js, compatible with Node.js 6+. See the release notes and changelogs for details.
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 10.2?
MariaDB APT and YUM Repository Configuration Generator
MariaDB Connector/Node.js 2.0.0
Release Notes Changelog About MariaDB Connector/Node.js
Contributors to MariaDB 10.2.18
Alexander Barkov (MariaDB Corporation)
Alexey Botchkov (MariaDB Corporation)
Anel Husakovic (MariaDB Foundation)
Ben Rubson
Daniel Bartholomew (MariaDB Corporation)
Daniel Black (IBM)
Daniele Sciascia (Codership)
Elena Stepanova (MariaDB Corporation)
Eugene Kosov (Tempesta)
Faustin Lammler (MariaDB Foundation)
Galina Shalygina (MariaDB Corporation)
Ian Gilfillan (MariaDB Foundation)
Igor Babaev (MariaDB Corporation)
Jacob Mathew (MariaDB Corporation)
Jan Lindström (MariaDB Corporation)
Julius Goryavsky
Mario Karuza (Codership)
Marko Mäkelä (MariaDB Corporation)
Michael Widenius (MariaDB Corporation and MariaDB Foundation)
Ming Lin
Oleksandr Byelkin (MariaDB Corporation)
Olivier Bertrand
Otto Kekäläinen (MariaDB Foundation)
Rasmus Johansson (MariaDB Corporation)
Sachin Setiya (MariaDB Corporation)
Sergei Golubchik (MariaDB Corporation)
Sergei Petrunia (MariaDB Corporation)
Sergey Vojtovich (MariaDB Foundation)
Teemu Ollakka (Codership)
Teodor Mircea Ionita (MariaDB Foundation)
Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani (MariaDB Corporation)
Varun Gupta (MariaDB Corporation)
Vasil Dimov (Codership)
Vicențiu Ciorbaru (MariaDB Foundation)
Vladislav Vaintroub (MariaDB Corporation)
36 Contributors
Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB! …
Continue reading “MariaDB 10.2.18 and MariaDB Connector/Node.js 2.0.0 now available”
The time has come for me, Otto Kekäläinen, after serving as the CEO of the MariaDB Foundation since January 2015, to step down. The board has already quietly been searching for a new CEO for some months, but no contract has been signed as of yet, so if you are interested in the position, please send an application to
This is a good time for a change of leadership. Some 4 years ago when I started in the MariaDB Foundation the MariaDB Server was clearly the underdog compared to it’s biggest rival. Since then we have won major successes and are now well established as the new M in LAMP thanks to our broad uptake in Linux distributions and development environments (such as WAMP, XAMP, VVV etc.), hosting companies boast on their websites that they offer MariaDB and many developers and architects seem to prefer MariaDB due to our reputation of being well built. …
We recently had a chance to test how the Shannon Direct-IO PCIe Flash G3i devices improves the performance of MariaDB. Anybody who cares about I/O performance has noticed that PCIe drives have become readily available in recent years and that they are significantly faster than normal SSD drives connected to the traditional SATA port (not to mention hard disk drives). In addition to being great hardware, the Shannon drives offer an extra boost by having a device driver that supports atomic writes. This means the device guarantees that a write made to it reaches the drive, and thus the MariaDB server does not have to run extra checks like it does on normal hardware.
Continue reading “Improved MariaDB performance using Shannon Systems PCIe and atomic writes”