MariaDB in Google Summer of Code 2014

MariaDB is participating in the Google Summer of Code 2014. Students are encouraged to propose a project before the deadline (this Friday!).

This is our second year participating, and as always we have an ideas page available. We also have a list of things we think are achievable in JIRA – check out our gsoc14 tag.

In 2013, we had three projects, of which two are in MariaDB 10.0: PCRE regular expressions and Roles. The other will be targeted towards MariaDB 10.1. There’s nothing like having GSoC students participate and have their code in shipping products.

Percona Live London MariaDB-related schedule

Percona Live London 2013 is almost here: November 11-12 2013. Team MariaDB & SkySQL will be present, and here’s an agenda if you’re interested in all things MariaDB:

  1. Monday, 11.11.2013 – 2-5pm – What’s New in MariaDB 10 and MariaDB Tools – a tutorial from Ivan Zoratti. This is a hands-on lab, complete with virtual machines provided by Ivan. You’ll also get to see MariaDB Manager from the abstract.
  2. Tuesday 12.11.2013 – 9.45-10.00am – What’s New in MariaDB 5.5 and what will happen with MariaDB 10.0 – a keynote from Michael “Monty” Widenius of the MariaDB Foundation. 

MariaDB Foundation Takes Next Steps To Community Governance

The MariaDB Foundation, stewards of the community-maintained open source MariaDB database that is sweeping the Internet, announced today the next steps towards a community-managed governance structure. With the appointment of a new, enlarged Board of Directors and a new interim chief executive, the MariaDB Foundation is now on track to a fully member-led governance in the second half of 2013.

The Board members are now Rasmus Johansson, Andrew Katz, Simon Phipps, Michael “Monty” Widenius, and Jeremy Zawodny. The first act of the new interim Board was to appoint Johansson as Chair and Phipps as Secretary and Chief Executive Officer.

MariaDB participates in Google Summer of Code 2013

MariaDB is very happy to be accepted as a project in the Google Summer of Code 2013. This will be our first year participating and we’re stoked that we’re one of the accepted organizations. We have an ideas list as always, and we’re expecting to get some great mentors & students to hack on some new code for the MariaDB project (which now comprises not just the server, but Galera Cluster as well as the connectors). Watch this space for more information, but if you’re interested in hacking on MySQL, MariaDB, Galera Cluster or some of the Percona toolkit, and it’s a summer’s worth of work, this should be a lot of fun!

What other pluggable authentication plugins would you like in MariaDB?

MariaDB has had pluggable authentication since MariaDB 5.2. Our most popular authentication plugin that we ship in MariaDB is the PAM authentication plugin. Naturally one is curious to see if users would like to see more authentication plugins being made available, so we’ve posted a poll on Facebook. Please feel free to add your vote to the poll so we have a better idea of where to focus our future pluggable authentication development.

Slackware and Arch Linux switch to MariaDB as a default

Two bits of good news for MariaDB users from the distribution standpoint this week: