Monty Program will be at Percona Live London

Its good to announce that Monty Program will have a presence at Percona Live London (October 24 & 25 2011), and we’re very excited about it. There will be two talks (no tutorials this time around):

  1. Sergei Golubchik will present on Pluggable Authentication in MySQL and MariaDB. I’ve seen Serg give tutorials to this effect, so expect a lot within half an hour!
  2. Colin Charles will present on Why MariaDB? which focuses on what new features are available today in MariaDB and how they benefit users.

Will we see you there?

MariaDB is at OSCON

The MariaDB Project is at OSCON 2011. We’ve got a booth, and we plan to also have a BoF session: Wednesday 27 July 2011 at room E142 at 8pm.

There will as usual be lots of black vodka (there was some yesterday at the MySQL BoF as well), and we’re going to talk about and celebrate the release of MariaDB 5.3.0 beta.

Come drop by the booth… we clearly have an interesting booth giveaway. And feel free to say hi to Kurt von Finck, Michael “Monty” Widenius, or Colin Charles who will be present, walking around, etc.

LinuxCon Yokohama

Monty Program and SkySQL have decided to be good corporate citizens to the Linux Foundation and have decided to sponsor a few of their LinuxCon events. We will be at LinuxCon Japan, happening June 1-3 2011 in Yokohama, Japan.

It’s my first LinuxCon, so if anyone has tips, please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments. Cheers!

SkySQL Roadshows – Seoul & Tokyo

A lot is happening in the world of MySQL lately. If you’re in Asia, SkySQL has been organising roadshows. On May 18, there was a captive audience in Singapore, listening to David Axmark (advisor to SkySQL, co-founder of MySQL Ab), Daniel Saito (SkySQL), and Colin Charles (Monty Program). On May 20, there was a huge audience in Manila, and I was totally bummed to have missed out on it.

I’m told there’s going to be an awesome audience tomorrow, May 27, in Seoul, South Korea. Lotte Hotel will be abuzz with all things SkySQL, Monty Program, and MariaDB, and it will feature Kaj Arno and Daniel Saito from SkySQL, and Colin Charles from Monty Program.

State of MariaDB Keynote at the O’Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2011

Monty gave a keynote on Wednesday morning, on the State of MariaDB. He’s also just posted his thoughts and updates from the conference. Check out his slide deck embedded blow, and don’t forget you can also watch the video (running time ~30 minutes).


Plugins & Storage Engines Summit for MySQL/MariaDB/Drizzle 2011

Are you a developer who is writing storage engines and plugins, knowing the plugin architecture of either MySQL, the extensions in MariaDB as well as the differences in Drizzle? Do you write User defined function (UDF)? Then you definitely want to be at the Plugins & Storage Engines Summit for MySQL/MariaDB/Drizzle 2011.

Its happening after the conference, on Friday April 15 2011, from 10am-4pm, at the Facebook campus.

You need to sign-up to attend – seats are limited. Sign up now!

Newsletters from the MariaDB dev meeting in Lisbon

Every morning before any of the meetings get started I print out a small one page newsletter which contains (among other things) the program for the day. Rather than keep them private, Colin suggested I post them here. I call the newsletter the “MariaDB Programador de Journal” which (I think) translates to “MariaDB Programmer’s Journal” in Portuguese.

[Updated, 13 Mar 2011, to add the newsletter for that day.]

At the meeting we’ve also been taking notes and posting them online for what improvements we want to make this year in MariaDB to make it even better. …

MariaDB 5.2.5 released; agenda for Lisbon Dev Meeting

Shortly after we released MariaDB 5.1.55, we also cooked MariaDB 5.2.5 (which includes MariaDB 5.1.55). See the release notes, and the changelog. Download MariaDB 5.2.5 now!

The developer meeting in Lisbon, Portugal is about to start, and there’s an agenda available. If you’re not going to be in Lisbon, please hop onto IRC and join the #maria channel on Saturday March 12 2011 (UTC+0) as the roadmap for MariaDB is to be discussed live as well as via IRC.

If you have further agenda items and cannot make it to Lisbon, use the mailing list: – make sure you’re subscribed.