FOSDEM filming party

Dear FOSDEM fans! No f2f or even hybrid FOSDEM 2022 – we hear that with a combination of resigned sadness and understanding for those responsible of having 8000 people gather in one space. We would probably have come to the same conclusion, in their shoes.

At the same time, we keep hearing how so many good presenters suffer from online fatigue, and the lack of physical meetings. So we have a test balloon, that we’d like to launch – particularly into the MariaDB and database communities at FOSDEM.

What if MariaDB Foundation organised an informal f2f event two weeks prior to FOSDEM? …

MariaDB & Python: A Match?

Python is my personal favourite programming language, at least this century. So when the opportunity presented itself to have a talk at PyConZA, off I went. Not to South Africa in person, for a 40 minute talk, though.

Technical challenges on Streamyard

It was a live presentation, streamed on Streamyard with chat on Discord. I complained of the bad connectivity I had in central Munich, much to the amusement of the South African audience, which evidently thought they were role models and market leaders when it comes to bad Internet.

10.7 preview feature: Python-like string formatting

Sometimes there is a need to combine data from different columns into one string. For example,

SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ‘ ‘, last_name) FROM employees;

This doesn’t look too bad, but can quickly get out of hand, if you need to do something more complex than that. For example, let’s say, we also need to mention the salary here:

SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ‘ ‘, last_name, ‘ -‘, CAST(FORMAT(salary, 0) AS VARCHAR(10)), ‘ ‘, currency) FROM employees;

This preview shows a new feature for MariaDB 10.7 that was developed as a part of Google Summer of Code (MDEV-25015) by Alan Cueva, together with his mentor Vicențiu Ciorbaru.

10.7.0 Comes As Preview Releases

Now is the time to try out the new candidate features of MariaDB Server 10.7, the next release series of MariaDB! This blog describes how the new preview releases work, and where we need your help as a MariaDB user.

The challenge: Making MariaDB mature quicker

Remember the challenges and visions I described two weeks ago? To address them we launch an experiment with several parallel preview releases of MariaDB Server 10.7 features.

This should solve two challenges mentioned in the blog: giving users early access to new functionality and making releases mature more rapidly through intensive internal testing.

ServerFest Two Weeks Later

Update your calendars: The MariaDB ServerFest has moved to be two weeks later, Tue-Wed 5.-6. October 2021. We hope the new dates fit your calendar!

Technical reasons

The postponement is due to what is usually called “technical reasons”, which is an expression intended to obscure any underlying facts. In our case, we don’t need to obscure, but can openly disclose the reasoning and point to a few late speaker submissions and one early newborn.

YAMB = Yet Another MariaDB Baby

The early newborn is my son Felix. Before we knew his gender, he went under the description “October Revolution”.

Join our Server Fest 21-22 Sep 2021!

Update: MariaDB Server Fest 2021 will be held on the 5th and 6th of October 2021. You can find more information in this blog post.

It is time to feast! More specifically, it is time for the next full MariaDB Server Fest two weeks from now, 21-22.9.2021. Register for it! Plan for attending individual talks! And warm yourself up by watching our cool video – “forget everything you know!”. 

We used to do UnConferences for contributors

You may recall that we at the MariaDB Foundation did our first MariaDB Server Fest in September 2020.

Challenges and Visions for MariaDB Server

At the MariaDB Foundation, we want MariaDB Server to be a model citizen in the Open Source world. For now, there is a sizeable gap between dreams and reality. But that doesn’t stop us from striving to improve. Let me here describe some of our challenges, and share some visions of where we want to be.

Continuous Integration

One pain point is the state of the development tree. A model citizen would ensure that the tree can always be built. Every day, all the features under development could be tested by the community, on all platforms.

MariaDB Server Fest 21-22 Sep 2021

Update: MariaDB Server Fest 2021 will be held on the 5th and 6th of October 2021. You can find more information in this blog post.

Mark your calendars! Register for the MariaDB Server Fest 2021 in September. This year’s edition of our online conference has now got a time (Tue-Wed 21-22 Sep 2021) and a place (the web, like last year).

And, attention all potential presenters: We have just opened our Call for Papers.