Sysbench OLTP: MySQL-5.6 vs. MariaDB-10.0

Oracle has now launched MySQL-5.6.10-GA, so it is time to come up with some new benchmark results. The test candidates in this benchmark run are

  • MySQL-5.5.29
  • MySQL-5.6.10
  • MariaDB-5.5.28a
  • MariaDB-10.0.1

The 5.5 versions are in because I wanted to check for any regressions. In the past we have often seen performance regressions in newer versions which were caused by new features.

This time the benchmark was run on a different box. The main difference is that this box does not have SSD but a high performance RAID-5 with 512M of battery-backed cache. …

What does MariaDB 10.0.1 include – available now

First, congratulations Oracle on the GA of MySQL 5.6! Well done!

In this post I walkthrough the features of the first two alpha versions of MariaDB 10.0. The first, 10.0.0-alpha, which was made available in November, and 10.0.1-alpha that saw daylight yesterday. I will go through the features by placing them in the following categories:

  • MariaDB 10.0-only Features (features that aren’t in MySQL 5.6)
  • MariaDB 10.0 Merged Features (features merged from MySQL 5.6)
  • MariaDB 10.0 Reimplemented Features (features reimplemented from features in MySQL 5.6)
  • MariaDB 5.x Features now in MySQL 5.6 (features introduced in earlier MariaDB versions which have now been introduced in MySQL 5.6)
  • MariaDB 5.x Features Backported from MySQL 5.6 (features introduced in earlier MariaDB versions which were backports of features from MySQL 5.6 development versions)

Some of the features will have links to the MySQL manual for the documentation Oracle has made available on the feature. …

Unbreakable MySQL?

I’m getting more and more concerned about the current Oracle approach to MySQL security. And the fact that I was solely responsible for the for about ten years, doesn’t make it easier, on the contrary, it only emphasizes changes in the attitude.

Starting from the obvious — somewhat slower response to critical bug fixes, which can be expected, Oracle is a big company, right? Very little information about security vulnerabilities is disclosed, CPUs are carefully stripped from anything that might help to understand the problem, it takes hours to map them to code changes. Heck, even test cases are kept private now. …

MariaDB 5.5.29, 5.3.12, 5.2.14, 5.1.67 now available

The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the following new stable (GA) MariaDB versions:

Security Updates

These releases are “bug fix” releases and they include, among other things, fixes for the following security vulnerabilities:

Please test the MariaDB Galera Cluster Release Candidate

We released the release candidate for MariaDB Galera Cluster on 21st December 2012, not traditionally the best time to make a release. We want to make this a GA release soon and we also want to ensure its well tested. Download it. Read the release notes. Give us feedback/report bugs.  Blog about it too!

MariaDB Java Client 1.1.0 released

The MariaDB Java Client 1.1.0 has been released. You can download it here.

This version focused on fixing all known database metadata bugs and ConnnectorJ incompatibilities. Specific fixes include:

  • Consistent, compatible with ConnectorJ handling of JDBC catalogs vs schemas vs databases
  • Implementation of several missing methods in DatabaseMetaData
  • Better handling of statement timeouts
  • OSGi-specific entries have been added to MANIFEST.MF so it can be used in OSGi environments
  • Added support for dumpQueriesOnException=true in the JDBC URL
  • Added support for IPv6 addresses in the connector
  • Added SSL support
  • and more…

MariaDB 10.0 and MySQL 5.6

In May of last year I blogged about MariaDB 10.0 for the first time. We received some feedback, digested it, and I further explained MariaDB 10.0. Now, with the first Alpha of MariaDB 10.0 out and a new year just beginning, now is a good time to explain a little bit more, especially about MariaDB 10.0 and MySQL 5.6 as I and others in the MariaDB project get asked a lot about the differences between them.

First, here are some details as to why we didn’t just take MySQL 5.6 as a base and create something that would have been called MariaDB 5.6. …

MySQL® & Cloud Database Solutions Days with Monty Widenius, the “father of the MySQL® & MariaDB databases”

The SkySQL and MariaDB Roadshow Comes to Germany:

Stuttgart 25 January 2013, 9.00-16.00, Sodexo STEP / Engineering Park

Hamburg 1 February 2013, 9.00-16.00, Quality Ambassador Hotel

SkySQL and Monty Program are on the road with our first joint – free – roadshows in Stuttgart and Hamburg, where Monty Widenius will unveil his vision of the future of the MySQL database via MariaDB (the talk will be in English).

In addition, speakers from Codership / Galera expected, as well SkySQL experts and customer speakers.

The latest trends around the MySQL and MariaDB databases will be discussed, in cloud and high availability scenarios. …