Category Archives: Announcements
About Jelastic:
Jelastic is the next generation of Java Platforms as a Service.
Unlike previous cloud platforms, Jelastic:
- Can run any Java application and so does not require developers to change their code or get locked-into the platform,
- Can scale any application up and down by automatically adding or removing memory and CPU units depending on the application load,
- Takes all configuration and management worries away: developers simply specify the application stack and database options they need and Jelastic creates, configures, and maintains the environment for them
- Supports a wide range of application server stacks including Tomcat, JBoss, Jetty, and GlassFish
- Out of the box, allows users to get a preconfigured instance of MariaDB up and running and available to the application.
Continue reading “MariaDB now available as a hosted database via Jelastic cloud platform”
Quick pointer that MariaDB 5.2.7 is now released. Highlights from the release notes: RHEL 5 RPMs (in addition to the CentOS 5 RPMs), and the inclusion of the HeidiSQL GUI client for the Windows MSI package. As always, the complete changelog, and what are you waiting for – download it now and give it a try!
Shortly after we released MariaDB 5.1.55, we also cooked MariaDB 5.2.5 (which includes MariaDB 5.1.55). See the release notes, and the changelog. Download MariaDB 5.2.5 now!
The developer meeting in Lisbon, Portugal is about to start, and there’s an agenda available. If you’re not going to be in Lisbon, please hop onto IRC and join the #maria channel on Saturday March 12 2011 (UTC+0) as the roadmap for MariaDB is to be discussed live as well as via IRC.
If you have further agenda items and cannot make it to Lisbon, use the mailing list: – make sure you’re subscribed.
Continue reading “MariaDB 5.2.5 released; agenda for Lisbon Dev Meeting”
Trying a new format… Are you subscribed to the announce mailing list? The following is straight from the archives.
- Release of MariaDB 5.1.55
- Meeting in Lisbon
- Call for volunteers for booth duty
- DrupalCon Chicago
- Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco
MariaDB 5.1.55 Released
Dear MariaDB users,
The development team have been busy and are ready to release MariaDB 5.1.55. MariaDB is a branch of the MySQL database which includes all major open source storage engines, myriad bug fixes and many community patches.
Continue reading “MariaDB 5.1.55 released and a short newsletter update”
You can now find MariaDB 5.2 in your ports tree in FreeBSD. Check out ports/databases/mariadb. Its currently at MariaDB 5.2.4 and the package maintainer will continue updating it as new releases are made. Naturally the documentation in the Knowledgebase has been updated to reflect this.
You can now enjoy SQL-99 Complete, Really by Peter Gulutzan and Trudy Pelzer aka. “The Definitive Door Stopper” online in our Knowledgebase at
Thanks to our technical writer and system administrator at Monty Program Ab Daniel Bartholomew we now have a complete description of the SQL-99 standard for syntax, data structures, and retrieval processes of SQL databases. As an example-based reference manual it includes all of the CLI functions, information, schema tables, and status codes.
Please make sure to check out our commenting system. You can add your comments for every section of the book. …
New Year is coming! And it brings us a new MySQL User Conference! As always, me and my colleagues will be attending — we have great talks to offer:
- Monty is giving a keynote State of MariaDB. Just like the last year, Monty will tell you how we are doing, what we have spent the last year on, what we are working on now.
- Colin presents A Beginner’s Guide to MariaDB talk. If you have heard of MariaDB, but don’t quite know what it is and why you should care — go and attend his talk.
Continue reading “Speaking at the MySQL User Conference 2011”
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned in a post that Monty Program was working on a trademark policy for MariaDB, and we hoped to have something available for community review in early 2011.
Well, that draft is ready now. The draft is available in the MariaDB knowledgebase, and we are soliciting public feedback through January 2. During the first week of January any approved edits will be made to make a final version, and that final policy mirrored on and
Hopefully the intent of allowing the unhindered development of cool stuff related to MariaDB while protecting the value of the primary brand itself is made clear. …