Dotdeb repository problems with MariaDB 5.5 (solution)

Dotdeb is a repository currently targeting Debian and Ubuntu, providing a nice set of packages for LAMP servers.

Recently, MySQL 5.6 was added to the dotdeb repository. On the surface, this is a very harmless addition. MariaDB is a replacement for MySQL and it should be possible for applications designed for MySQL to easily switch to MariaDB. Therefore MariaDB also includes the libraries that applications using MySQL depend upon, such as libmysqlclient18 and mysql-common. The dpkg package manager looks at the MySQL 5.6 packages in dotdeb and assumes that 5.6 is a higher version than 5.5, which results in it removing or replacing libraries during normal apt-get installation and upgrade procedures. …

Significant performance boost with new MariaDB page compression on FusionIO

The MariaDB project is pleased to announce a special preview release of MariaDB 10.0.9 with significant performance gains on FusionIO devices. This is is a beta-quality preview release.

Download MariaDB 10.0.9-FusionIO preview


The latest work between MariaDB and FusionIO has focused on dramatically improving performance of MariaDB on the high-end SSD drives produced by Fusion-IO and at the same time delivering much better endurance for the drives themselves. Furthermore, FusionIO flash memory solutions increase transactional database performance. MariaDB includes specialized improvements for FusionIO devices, leveraging a feature of the NVMFS filesystem on these popular, high performance solid state disks. …

The MariaDB Foundation Announces General Availability of MariaDB 10

Best MariaDB ever hits the streets – MariaDB 10 innovations developed with Google, SkySQL & Fusion-IO

London, United Kingdom – 31 March 2014 – The MariaDB Foundation, an independent body which promotes the popular open source database MariaDB, today announced the much-anticipated general availability of MariaDB 10, providing today’s generation of application developers with enhanced performance and functionality.

Since its launch in 2009, MariaDB has built an active and vibrant open source community and has led the way in database innovation. In 2013, Wikimedia Foundation, the people behind Wikipedia, announced the migration of many of its production MySQL systems over to MariaDB and Google confirmed it aims to move its thousand-plus MySQL instances over to MariaDB technology. …

MariaDB and WebScaleSQL

On Thursday MySQL technology saw a huge boost. It’s hard for anyone now to argue that MySQL isn’t in the game of extreme scalability and performance, which some NoSQL vendors have been using as a tagline for the last years. To see four of the largest MySQL and MariaDB users come together to bootstrap a branch of MySQL for extreme scaling needs is simply fantastic. The improvements done inside these companies will now be available to the rest of the community. In all fairness Facebook and Twitter, in particular, have been making their improvements publicly available also before. Google has also made some improvements available publicly over the years and have lately been active in the MariaDB project with code reviews, bug fixes and other patches. …

MariaDB 10.0.9 now available

The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of MariaDB 10.0.9. This is a Release Candidate release.

Among other changes, XtraDB is now the default InnoDB implementation, Oracle’s InnoDB is included as a plugin and can be dynamically loaded if desired. Packages for Ubuntu 14.04 “trusty” and Debian “Sid” have also been added to the MariaDB Ubuntu and Debian repositories.

See the Release Notes and Changelog for detailed information on this release and the What is MariaDB 10.0? page in the MariaDB Knowledge Base for general information about the MariaDB 10.0 series. …

MariaDB 10.0.8 now available

The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of MariaDB 10.0.8. This is a Release Candidate release.

See the Release Notes and Changelog for detailed information on this release and the What is MariaDB 10.0? page in the MariaDB Knowledge Base for general information about the MariaDB 10.0 series.

Download MariaDB 10.0.8

Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 10.0?

See also: The final piece of the puzzle.

Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB! …

jQuery and GIS distance in MariaDB

I’ve continued building on my MariaDB GIS and node.js example application that I wrote about two weeks back, The application shows how to load GPX information into MariaDB, using some MariaDB GIS functionality, and making use of the node.js platform together with MariaDB’s non-blocking client.

With the GPX data converted into GIS points in the MariaDB database, I wanted to further expand a little on both the GIS aspect and also look at how some additional data could be shown in the application by using jQuery’s Ajax calls to update a piece of the web based application UI.

MariaDB Developers at the SkySQL Engineering Meeting

Several MariaDB developers are attending SkySQL’s annual engineering meeting being held this week in Barcelona. While some of the discussions are SkySQL-specific (customers, internal projects, and so on), there are, naturally, lots of MariaDB discussions happening.

Patrik Sallner, CEO of SkySQL, opened the meeting this morning with a short presentation about SkySQL’s goals for 2014. While the plan includes standard business-like things that include growing the company and sales goals, the top two goals for 2014 are:

  1. Help make MariaDB into the leading open source database

  2. Help increase awareness and adoption of MariaDB

Looking back at 2013, it was an excellent year for MariaDB.