SkySQL has signed a merger agreement with Monty Program Ab, creators of the popular MariaDB database. Read more about it, as it features important tidbits from Patrik Sallner (CEO, SkySQL Ab), Simon Phipps (CEO, MariaDB Foundation), and Michael “Monty” Widenius (CTO, MariaDB Foundation).
A key takeaway is that SkySQL will work alongside & collaborate closely with the MariaDB Foundation, plus continue to invest in the development of the MariaDB server.
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This is a nice blog post from Asher Feldman, Site Architect, Wikipedia on how Wikipedia Adopts MariaDB. If you’re using English or German Wikipedia, or using Wikidata, you’re currently being served by MariaDB 5.5.
The MariaDB Foundation, stewards of the community-maintained open source MariaDB database that is sweeping the Internet, announced today the next steps towards a community-managed governance structure. With the appointment of a new, enlarged Board of Directors and a new interim chief executive, the MariaDB Foundation is now on track to a fully member-led governance in the second half of 2013.
The Board members are now Rasmus Johansson, Andrew Katz, Simon Phipps, Michael “Monty” Widenius, and Jeremy Zawodny. The first act of the new interim Board was to appoint Johansson as Chair and Phipps as Secretary and Chief Executive Officer.
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MariaDB is very happy to be accepted as a project in the Google Summer of Code 2013. This will be our first year participating and we’re stoked that we’re one of the accepted organizations. We have an ideas list as always, and we’re expecting to get some great mentors & students to hack on some new code for the MariaDB project (which now comprises not just the server, but Galera Cluster as well as the connectors). Watch this space for more information, but if you’re interested in hacking on MySQL, MariaDB, Galera Cluster or some of the Percona toolkit, and it’s a summer’s worth of work, this should be a lot of fun!
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Team MariaDB will be at the Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo 2013, held in Santa Clara from April 22-25 2013. We will also be at the SkySQL Solutions Day held on April 26 2013 at the same venue, the Hyatt Santa Clara. We have talks, a booth in the DotOrg Pavilion, have a BoF and we’re participating in the passport program.
Team MariaDB talks:
- (Monday) Advanced Query Optimizer Tuning & Analysis, a tutorial by Sergei Petrunia & Timour Katchaounov
- (Tuesday) MariaDB Cassandra Interoperability, a talk by Sergei Petrunia &
Continue reading “MariaDB well-represented at Percona Live MySQL Conference”
MariaDB has had pluggable authentication since MariaDB 5.2. Our most popular authentication plugin that we ship in MariaDB is the PAM authentication plugin. Naturally one is curious to see if users would like to see more authentication plugins being made available, so we’ve posted a poll on Facebook. Please feel free to add your vote to the poll so we have a better idea of where to focus our future pluggable authentication development.
Continue reading “What other pluggable authentication plugins would you like in MariaDB?”
Two bits of good news for MariaDB users from the distribution standpoint this week:
- Slackware Linux is dropping MySQL for MariaDB as a default
- Arch Linux replaces MySQL in repositories with MariaDB
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