MariaDB & IONOS: Improving performance for hosting

The MariaDB Foundation values our partnerships with our sponsors. Our partnership with IONOS allows us to get insight into how MariaDB Server is used and the direction it should take. As well as generally improving MariaDB Server in many different ways.

IONOS story

At CloudFest 2023, one of the first meetings we had was with Stefan Erkeling from IONOS. It was a very good meeting and it was great to see how much IONOS values our partnership. Stefan indicated in the meeting that there was a performance issue they were hitting and some advice was needed.

CloudFest 2023 review

MariaDB Foundation’s CEO Kaj Arnö chatted to MariaDB Foundation CRO (as well as chairman of the CloudFest advisory board) Soeren von Varchmin about the the successful CloudFest 2023, which took place in Germany, from 21 to 23 March. View the videos Part 1 and Part 2.

CloudFest takes place at Europa Park, Europe’s largest amusement park, and this year saw over 8000 people with more than 90 countries. Unlike the similarly-sized FOSDEM, which focuses on open source developers, CloudFest attract cloud service providers, hosting companies, IT departments etc, as also has a particular focus on WordPress (MariaDB participated in the hackathon).

Announcing the 2023 MariaDB (Un)Conference and the MariaDB Server Fest

The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the 2023 MariaDB Developers Unconference, taking place on 3-4 October, as well as the 2023 MariaDB Server Fest, taking place 5 Oct. Both events will be held in Helsinki and online, and are free of charge to attend.

Developers Unconference

The event will again be a traditional unconference, with lots of opportunities for discussions and collaboration around any topic of interest to MariaDB Server developers. Anyone interested in contributing (code or otherwise) to the MariaDB open source project is welcome to join. You don’t need to be a core developer to attend. …

CloudFest Reflections by

CloudFest in Germany, what an event! Thousands of representatives of cloud service providers and the surrounding ecosystem. Although MariaDB Server seems to be the database of choice in this realm, 2023 was the first year when we were more extensively present for CloudFest.

Check out our 11:19 long video with Monty’s and my reflections!

Chat with our founder Monty, Michael Widenius

Related posts:

Creating the MariaDB Health Check plugin for WordPress

MariaDB Foundation at CloudFest Hackathon

On the 18th – 20th of March there was a Hackathon before the CloudFest conference. This had 11 projects and well over 100 participants every team producing something great. In fact, thanks to the Hackathon, there is a new MariaDB Health Checks plugin available for WordPress.


FOSDEM 2023: MariaDB Reflections

Finally, a face to face FOSDEM! The encounters invigorated day-to-day work for all of MariaDB Foundation, even those of us not present in Brussels.

Withdrawal symptoms

With three years since last time, it felt like it was about time to see the familiar FOSDEM faces live again. Finally, last weekend gave us a chance to do what one had come to take for granted – meet in packed devrooms, hear the latest, chat in corridors, exchange thoughts and make plans at Brussels cafés and restaurants.

Back with MySQL

The MariaDB, MySQL and Friends room was back together in one room, having been separated virtually.

MariaDB at FOSDEM 2023

MariaDB is at FOSDEM 2023, and it’s great to be back for the in-person event in Brussels for the first time since 2020. We’ll be participating in the MariaDB, MySQL and friends devroom. If you’re here in person, come see us live in room K.3.201 on Sunday morning, or come hang out at anytime our stand at Building K Level 1 Group B Stand 8.

And if you’re not enjoying the Belgian culinary delights and the rain in person, everything will be livestreamed, as well as available on video at a later stage. …