Machine Learning straight through SQL

Machine learning is one area that cannot succeed without data. Traditionally, machine learning frameworks read it from CSV files or similar data sources. This brings an interesting set of challenges because in most cases the data is stored in databases, not simple raw files. It takes time and effort to move data from one format to another. Additionally, one needs to write some code (usually python) to prepare the data just like the ML framework expects it.

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw during the MariaDB Server Fest that MindsDB, an automatic machine learning system, presented their integration with MariaDB.

A GSoC internship with the MariaDB Foundation


Hi, my name is Kartik Soneji, and I am a second year student at Thadomal Shahani Engineering College, Mumbai. I have been programming since the age of 13. I started out with Java, then learnt a little C++ before diving head first into web development with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I also programmed a bit in Python and Rust to see what all the hype was about.

My primary motivation to contribute to the open source community is because I strongly believe in the idea that software is free, to copy, modify and study.

Multilingual MariaDB video on Set Theory Features

Our very own Ian Gilfillan has created a brief and clear video called Get Set for Set Theory: UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT in SQL

Get Set for Set Theory: UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT in SQL

In a tad more than six minutes, you’ll see exactly how UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT work, starting in MariaDB 10.3, a few years back.

Ian explains what they are for, and the option to change default behaviour of DISTINCT with ALL (of which the ALL option was introduced in MariaDB 10.5).

That’s not new.

Enable post-compromise data protection with MariaDB and Virgil Security’s PureKit

MariaDB deployments hold vast amounts of sensitive data such as intellectual property, state secrets, healthcare and financial records. HIPAA, GDPR and other government regulations require even more stringent protections and disclosures. Achieving post-compromise protection is seen as a necessary new tool available to DevOps teams.

At the first MariaDB Day in Brussels on February 2nd, Virgil Security’s CTO and co-founder Dmitry Dain presented a MariaDB demo based on the Virgil PureKit security framework that can protect stored passwords, PII and any other sensitive data even if the database had been breached – making it worthless to the attacker in the face of offline attacks (read more about security benefits in this blog post). …

Migrating from SQL Server to MariaDB on the MariaDB Knowledge Base

A new series, Migrating from SQL Server to MariaDB is currently being developed on the MariaDB Knowledge Base by Federico Razolli.

Federico is a freelance database consultant, organizer of the London Open Source Database Meetup, author of the book Mastering MariaDB, and well-known member of the MariaDB community.

The series of articles will contain everything needed to migrate from SQL Server, currently including an overview of architecture differences, feature differences, a types comparison, a look at MariaDB transactions and isolation levels, as well as authorization and permissions, and replication, from the perspective of a SQL Server user. …

MariaDB Server’s continuous integration & testing available to community

How MariaDB Server is tested

MariaDB Foundation is commited to ensuring MariaDB Server has a thriving community of developers and contributors. A software project cannot be maintained without proper tests. mysql-test-run is our standard testing toolkit for MariaDB Server. What it (mostly) does is run queries against one or more servers and compare their output to the expected one. This checks both behaviour and data consistency. The main principle is the server should always return the same data that is put into it.

One problem with this testing method is that it only covers the hosts’ environment. That means that if you are running Debian on x86_64 architecture, you are testing x86_64 architecture on a Debian Linux distribution. …

2019 上海MariaDB开发者会议

(The original English version of this post is available here).

MariaDB基金会很高兴地宣布,2019 年度MariaDB开发者会议将于上海举行。继第一届2017年深圳开发者会议之后,这是该会议在中国的第二次举办。此次会议将于2019年11月19日周二开始,2019年11月21日周四结束。

此次会议将由微软上海分公司友情承办。请有意向与会者,点击此链接报名参加event page at 我们建议您选择会议地址附近的酒店入住。所有会议均免费参加。




若您需要申请办理签证所需邀请函,请浏览此处see the visa applications page for China from Shenzhen.
若您对此次会议或者如何致力于MariaDB有任何疑问,请随时于此处发起您的讨论MariaDBdevelopers mailing list以及MariaDB discuss mailing list.

报名参加会议请点击此处 MariaDB Developers (Un)Conference here. …

2019 Developers Unconference, Shanghai, Nov 2019

(A Chinese version of this post is available here).

The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the 2019 MariaDB Developers Unconference in Shanghai. This will be our second Unconference in China, after the 2017 Developers Unconference in Shenzhen, and will take place from Tuesday 19 November to Thursday 21 November 2019.

Microsoft Shanghai are kindly hosting the event. If you want to attend, please sign up on the event page at We recommend you stay in a hotel near the venue.

All events are free of charge to attend.

The event will be the traditional unconference, with lots of opportunities for discussions and collaboration around any topic. …