Category Archives: Community
The 2017 MariaDB Developers Conference is crossing the ocean this year, and will be taking place in New York, from 9 to 10 April.
The unconference will last for two days and you can join for the whole time, or as little time as you wish.
The schedule of this unconference will be drafted in a public spreadsheet. Initially, anyone attending can help set the schedule by adding sessions, as well as voting for sessions they’re interested in, by incrementing the vote counter. Based on this, the schedule will be drawn up.
BNY Mellon are kindly hosting this years event. …
I’ve collected slides and videos from several of the presentations given at the MariaDB Developers Meetup in Amsterdam, 6-8 October 2016. This meetup was kindly hosted by The presentations are listed here in roughly the order they were given. If I have both the slides and video for a given talk I link to both, otherwise I just link to what I have. The video is of poor quality as it was livestreamed to Periscope from a handheld mobile phone. Network issues also mean the streams sometimes dropped and had to be restarted. I will update this post as a receive slide decks from other speakers. …
Continue reading “2016 MariaDB Developers Meetup Presentations”
I had the honor of leading a session on Saturday, during the MariaDB Developers Meeting in Amsterdam, brainstorming around MariaDB Server 10.3. It’s definitely time to do that since MariaDB Server 10.2 has entered beta stage. In case you have missed that, I’ve wrapped up what’s included in 10.2 so far in a blog post on my employer’s site. In addition to the features mentioned in that blog post there are a couple of features still coming in 10.2 of which the most notable is that the MyRocks engine will be included. More about this later in another article. …
The mission of the MariaDB Foundation is to ensure continuity and open collaboration in the MariaDB ecosystem. We facilitate the development of the MariaDB Server and the related connectors as listed on our GitHub account. Core to us is to enable and foster collaboration so that contributing is meaningful and produces results for everybody.
Here are some of the things we do to ensure true open source:
- Publish code in real time, not just at release time.
- Discuss and plan on the public mailing lists and on IRC.
- Public bug tracker, transparent progress and priorities.
Continue reading “MariaDB Server is a true open source project”
At MariaDB we often get to deal with tables, but this time we took on one of a different type, and climbed to the top. We’re in Cape Town for Debconf16, and managed to take some time to climb to the top of Table Mountain.
It’s been a productive visit. Otto, who handles MariaDB packaging for Debian and Ubuntu, and is also CEO of the Foundation, hosted a BoF session on MariaDB and MySQL packaging. It’s an interesting time on the Debian packaging side, with some changes imminent, and it’s been great to see the interest and support. …
The 2016 MariaDB Developers Meetup will be taking place in Amsterdam, from 6 – 8 October.
The meetup will last for three days and you can join for the whole time, or as little time as you wish.
The schedule of this unconference will be drafted in a public spreadsheet. Initially, anyone attending can help set the schedule by adding sessions, as well as voting for session’s they’re interested in, by incrementing the vote counter. Based on this, the schedule will be drawn up.
The event venue and lunches are sponsored by …
And for the fourth year in a row, MariaDB Foundation participates in the Google Summer of Code! The MariaDB Organization in GSoC is an umbrella organization for all projects that belongs to the MariaDB ecosystem, be it MariaDB Server, MariaDB Connectors, or MariaDB MaxScale. The complete list of our suggested project ideas is in MariaDB Jira. This year we were granted 10 student slots (as compared to 8 last year, 5 in 2014, and 3 in 2013). And it was good, as applicants this year were exceptionally strong. Our students have chosen these projects:
For the server:
- MDEV-7773 Aggregate Stored Functions
- MDEV-8947 Cassandra connector support for 2.x
- MDEV-4989 Support for GTID in mysqlbinlog
- MDEV-9711 NO PAD collations
- MDEV-9197 Pushdown conditions into non-mergeable views/derived tables
- MDEV-371 Unique indexes for blobs (server-side implementation) and adaptive hashing for generated hash
- MDEV-371 Unique indexes for blobs (in MyISAM, Aria, InnoDB, and XtraDB)
student: Varun Raiko, mentors: Sanja Byelkin and Vicențiu Ciorbaru
student: Charles Muurmu, mentor: Sergey Petrunia
student: Becca Tucker, mentors: Lixun Peng and Colin Charles
student: Daniil Medvedev, mentor: Alexander Barkov
student: Galina Shalygina, mentors: Igor Babaev and Sergey Petrunia
student: Sachin Setiya, mentor: Sergei Golubchik
student: Shubham Barai, mentors: Jan Lindström and Sergei Golubchik
For the MariaDB Connector/C:
- CONC-125 Import and export popular data formats from and to dynamic columns
student: Kris Massey, mentors: Georg Richter and Sanja Byelkin
For the MariaDB MaxScale:
- MXS-1 MaxScale filter to real Microsoft SQL Server syntax
student: Lisa Reilly Brinson, mentor: Markus Mäkelä
For the Master High Availability Manager for MySQL:
- Provide GTID support for MariaDB MHA
student: Charles Dirk, mentor: Colin Charles
Many projects have two mentors to ensure that the student always gets a quick answer to his questions and someone is always available to help even if one of the mentors is, for example, on vacations. …
If you are in Helsinki on Thursday next week March 17th, join us for the MariaDB meetup at Solinor. MariaDB team members will present the latest on MariaDB 10.1, MaxScale and MariaDB’s future roadmap.
On stage Rasmus Johansson VP Engineering, MariaDB Corporation and Johan Wikman & Markus Mäkelä, developers of MaxScale.
See the meetup page for the agenda and registration: …