We have been very busy in 2016 and early 2017 so this yearly report is long overdue, but we are glad we can report on so many positive things.
Good growth has been visible all over the MariaDB ecosystem, and the mariadb.org website had almost 1.9 million page views in 2016, a growth of 72% since 2015. We can conclude that 2016 was a successful year for MariaDB.
Active maintenance and active development
In 2016 there were 7 releases of the 5.5 series, 5 releases of the 10.0 series and 10 releases of the 10.1 series. …
It is over a year since the overhauled MariaDB.org was published. We immediately got a lot of positive feedback and now looking at the statistics a year later we are glad to report that the number of visits has grown by 28% and the amount of page views has grown a whopping 77% from 1,1 million to 1,9 million. That is a significant acceleration in growth when one considers that the growth of page views the previous year (from 2014 to 2015) was only 7%. Some of the growth can surely be attributed to a general trend of MariaDB getting more adoption, but in particular the growth of page views (77%) and the decrease of bounces (-37%) and the average session duration increase from 1 minute to 1½ minutes can be attributed to the redesign. …
The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of MariaDB 10.2.5 Release Candidate (RC). See the release notes and changelog for details.
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 10.2?
MariaDB APT and YUM Repository Configuration Generator
Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB! …
Anyone who has peeked inside a gdb manual knows that gdb has some kind of Python API. And anyone who has skimmed through has seen something called “Pretty Printing” that supposedly tells gdb how to print complex data structures in a nice and readable way. Well, at least I have seen that, but I’ve never given it much thought. Still, one day, when I was typing:
(gdb) p/t table->read_set->bitmap[0] @ (table->read_set->n_bits+7)/8
for the umpteenth time I asked myself, “why the heck not?”, and so it begun…
(more…) …
Continue reading “Making life prettier with gdb PrettyPrinting API”
As the maintenance policy of the MariaDB Foundation states, we are committed to maintaining each release for 5 years. As MariaDB 5.5 was announced for General Availability in 2012, the five year mark will soon be passed. However, since MariaDB 5.5 is widely used in many major Linux distributions in production use at the moment, the Foundation has decided to extend the maintenance period for MariaDB 5.5 to the year 2020.
All Linux distributions currently including MariaDB 5.5 will thus continue to have security updates available for at least until 2020.
The MariaDB Foundation’s mission is to serve the greater public and we’ve decided that supporting MariaDB 5.5 for an extended period is a good use of the MariaDB Foundation’s staff time. …
Continue reading “Extended maintenance period for MariaDB 5.5”
The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0.30 and MariaDB Connector/J 1.5.9. Both of these are stable (GA) releases. See the release notes and changelogs for details.
Download MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0.30
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB Galera Cluster?
MariaDB APT and YUM Repository Configuration Generator
Download MariaDB Connector/J 1.5.9
Release Notes Changelog About MariaDB Connector/J
Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB! …
Continue reading “MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0.30 and Connector/J 1.5.9 now available”
MySQL 3.20 to 4.0
In the good old days, when 32MB of RAM justified the name my-huge.cnf, when nobody knew Google and Facebook didn’t even exist, security was… how do I put it… kind of cute. Computer viruses didn’t steal millions and didn’t disrupt elections — they played Yankee Doodle or told you not to play with the PC. People used telnet and ftp, although some security conscious admins already knew ssh.
Somewhere around this time, give or take a few years, MySQL was born. And it had users, who had to be kept away from seeing others’ data, but allowed to use their own. …
The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of MariaDB 10.1.22. This is a Stable (GA) release. See the release notes and changelog for details.
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 10.1?
MariaDB APT and YUM Repository Configuration Generator
Thanks, and enjoy MariaDB! …