At OSCON, if you’re into the MySQL world, the day to be paying attention to BoFs is clearly Wednesday, 24 July 2013. We have a MariaDB BoF at D136 at 8pm-9pm, but before that you might be at the MySQL BoF in the same room, or you might be in Peter Zaitsev’s BoF on MySQL, NoSQL, Big Data – Better Together in E141. So figure out how to split yourself at 7-8pm, and once you’re done, come from 8-9pm at D136 on Wednesday and join the MariaDB crew at OSCON!
We’ll also be at the SkySQL booth, so come by Booth 815 and get some free t-shirts, stickers, or support the MariaDB community by being a foundation donor.
The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of MariaDB 5.5.32. This is a Stable (GA) release. See the Release Notes and Changelog for detailed information on this release and the What is MariaDB 5.5? page in the AskMonty Knowledgebase for general information about the MariaDB 5.5 series.
Release Notes Changelog What is MariaDB 5.5?
This release is primarily a bug-fix release.
Includes MariaDB 5.3.12 and MySQL 5.5.32
This release includes MariaDB 5.3.12 and MySQL 5.5.32. …
The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the MariaDB Java Client 1.1.3. This is a Stable (GA) release. See the Release Notes and Changelog for detailed information on this release and the About the MariaDB Java Client page in the AskMonty Knowledgebase for general information about the client.
Download MariaDB Java Client 1.1.3
Release Notes Changelog About the MariaDB Java Client
New functionality
- On Windows, it is now possible to use named pipes if server enables them.
My fellow testers and others who run RQG tests on MySQL flavors might be interested in some additions that are being used for MariaDB testing. While none of them is a major breakthrough, maybe they will make somebody’s life a little easier.
RQG Introduction
A quick introduction for those who have never heard of RQG, but are still curious what this blog post is about.
RQG stands for Random Query Generator, also known as randgen — an open-source product, available under the GPL v2 license. Quoting its home page on Launchpad, it is a “pseudo-random data and query generator that can be used to test any Perl DBI, JDBC or ODBC-compatible SQL server, in particular MySQL, but also JavaDB and PostgreSQL”. …
Continue reading “MariaDB patches for Random Query Generator”
The Board of the MariaDB Foundation thought it would be good to provide an update — hopefully the first of a regular quarterly series — on how we’re progressing with the interim activities around constructing governance, identifying a new representative Board and structuring an engineering council.
- The MariaDB Foundation is now independent of any business interests. With the acquisition of Monty Program Ab by SkySQL Ab, there’s now a clear separation of functions. The Foundation is the home of community activity around MariaDB, dedicated to sustaining and delivering the MariaDB database on behalf of its community independently of the business interests of any member.
I’m pleased to say that the Open Source Initiative Board has accepted the MariaDB Foundation’s application to become an Affiliate Member of OSI. The MariaDB Foundation Board decided to join OSI to demonstrate our support for the principle of software freedom and to be able to participate in OSI projects more directly under their new Working Group mechanism. MariaDB community members are of course still invited to become individual members of OSI! …
It has recently been brought to our attention that the MySQL man pages have been relicensed. The change was made rather silently going from MySQL 5.5.30 to MySQL 5.5.31. This affects all pages in the man/ directory of the source code.
You can tell the changes have come during this short timeframe (5.5.30->5.5.31). The old manual pages were released under the following license:
This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it only under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
The new man pages (following 5.5.31 and greater – still valid for 5.5.32) are released under the following license:
This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. …
Continue reading “MySQL man pages silently relicensed away from GPL”
The MariaDB Foundation Board has now been meeting for a few months and we have been gradually taking steps to establish the Foundation as an independent organisation with member-led governance. The Board has asked me, as CEO, to provide regular updates on our progress here on the MariaDB Blog, so watch for posts in the Foundation category.
I’ve a larger news update in preparation for next week, but first a news item about our relationship with the wider community. Given the threat software patents pose to all free and open source developers, it’s important to use every defence available as well as to unite to frustrate patent aggressors. …