MariaDB moves development to Github

Today marks a milestone in terms of the MariaDB project – going forward, the MariaDB project plans to use Github and git for source code management. The migration happens from Launchpad and the bzr tool.

The 10.1 server development (under heavy development now) will happen on Github. You can check it out here: Feel free to watch, star or even fork the code, and send us contributions!

Previous maria-captains should now provide their Github IDs so that they can be accorded similar status. Send the IDs to the maria-developers mailing list. …

MariaDB & MySQL Community Event videos & slides now up

If you couldn’t attend the MariaDB & MySQL Community Event in April 2014, held at the Hilton Santa Clara, fret not as there are slides and videos uploaded for you to watch at your leisure. There is likely to be at least one more community event later this year, so watch the space.

Currently on the page, you’ll find most of the talks with slides and the videos are professionally done – with slide overlays. The audio could be better on some, but for an event that was pulled together by Monty in less than 3 weeks, it’s not too shabby.

MariaDB & MySQL community event, Apr 2014

This community event was hosted by the MariaDB Foundation with support from
AccelerationDB. This was a free community
event to complement the Percona Live conference. The community event was a
full day focusing on many things that were not covered at Percona Live.

The themes for this community event were **MariaDB 10.0 GA**,
**High availability**, and **Performance**. The talks are seen in the schedule below.

There was also a dinner that night at the
Taste restaurant.

Schedule, Videos, and Slides

Here is the schedule of the talks with links to videos and slides of the talks. …

MariaDB and WebScaleSQL

On Thursday MySQL technology saw a huge boost. It’s hard for anyone now to argue that MySQL isn’t in the game of extreme scalability and performance, which some NoSQL vendors have been using as a tagline for the last years. To see four of the largest MySQL and MariaDB users come together to bootstrap a branch of MySQL for extreme scaling needs is simply fantastic. The improvements done inside these companies will now be available to the rest of the community. In all fairness Facebook and Twitter, in particular, have been making their improvements publicly available also before. Google has also made some improvements available publicly over the years and have lately been active in the MariaDB project with code reviews, bug fixes and other patches. …

MariaDB in Google Summer of Code 2014

MariaDB is participating in the Google Summer of Code 2014. Students are encouraged to propose a project before the deadline (this Friday!).

This is our second year participating, and as always we have an ideas page available. We also have a list of things we think are achievable in JIRA – check out our gsoc14 tag.

In 2013, we had three projects, of which two are in MariaDB 10.0: PCRE regular expressions and Roles. The other will be targeted towards MariaDB 10.1. There’s nothing like having GSoC students participate and have their code in shipping products.

Percona Live London MariaDB-related schedule

Percona Live London 2013 is almost here: November 11-12 2013. Team MariaDB & SkySQL will be present, and here’s an agenda if you’re interested in all things MariaDB:

  1. Monday, 11.11.2013 – 2-5pm – What’s New in MariaDB 10 and MariaDB Tools – a tutorial from Ivan Zoratti. This is a hands-on lab, complete with virtual machines provided by Ivan. You’ll also get to see MariaDB Manager from the abstract.
  2. Tuesday 12.11.2013 – 9.45-10.00am – What’s New in MariaDB 5.5 and what will happen with MariaDB 10.0 – a keynote from Michael “Monty” Widenius of the MariaDB Foundation. 

MariaDB Foundation Takes Next Steps To Community Governance

The MariaDB Foundation, stewards of the community-maintained open source MariaDB database that is sweeping the Internet, announced today the next steps towards a community-managed governance structure. With the appointment of a new, enlarged Board of Directors and a new interim chief executive, the MariaDB Foundation is now on track to a fully member-led governance in the second half of 2013.

The Board members are now Rasmus Johansson, Andrew Katz, Simon Phipps, Michael “Monty” Widenius, and Jeremy Zawodny. The first act of the new interim Board was to appoint Johansson as Chair and Phipps as Secretary and Chief Executive Officer.