Five Cities in India

A trip to Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Pune, and Mumbai taught MariaDB Foundation the importance of India. Government and Fintech lead the pack. India has a huge supply of highly educated IT specialists, and their decision power in selecting tools (including databases) is growing. India is moving from a body-shop for Europe and the US towards becoming a hotbed for startups, and for database training and adoption, India has a near-perfect language landscape for the MariaDB Foundation University Program.

MariaDB Server’s continuous integration & testing available to community

How MariaDB Server is tested

MariaDB Foundation is commited to ensuring MariaDB Server has a thriving community of developers and contributors. A software project cannot be maintained without proper tests. mysql-test-run is our standard testing toolkit for MariaDB Server. What it (mostly) does is run queries against one or more servers and compare their output to the expected one. This checks both behaviour and data consistency. The main principle is the server should always return the same data that is put into it.

One problem with this testing method is that it only covers the hosts’ environment. That means that if you are running Debian on x86_64 architecture, you are testing x86_64 architecture on a Debian Linux distribution. …

2019 MariaDB Developers Unconference Shanghai Presentations

The 2019 Shanghai MariaDB Developers Unconference is being hosted by Microsoft Shanghai, from 19 November. Slides will be added to this post as they become available.

Day One

Day Two

Progress on Pull Request Processing

In his blog post “On Contributions, Pride and Cockiness ” in May, MariaDB Foundation CEO Kaj Arnö spoke of a renewed focus on MariaDB Server pull requests. Processing community pull requests in good time is a key part of our mission, but we’d been falling behind, and receiving justifiable criticism. At the time of that article, there were 167 open pull requests, with many open for far too long, and contributors were frustrated.

We set out two end goals:

  • Reduce backlog of open pull requests
  • Motivate contributors to make more contributions

There’s been no noticeable uptick in contributions since then, but we’ve made good progress in reducing the number of open pull requests. …

2019 上海MariaDB开发者会议

(The original English version of this post is available here).

MariaDB基金会很高兴地宣布,2019 年度MariaDB开发者会议将于上海举行。继第一届2017年深圳开发者会议之后,这是该会议在中国的第二次举办。此次会议将于2019年11月19日周二开始,2019年11月21日周四结束。

此次会议将由微软上海分公司友情承办。请有意向与会者,点击此链接报名参加event page at 我们建议您选择会议地址附近的酒店入住。所有会议均免费参加。




若您需要申请办理签证所需邀请函,请浏览此处see the visa applications page for China from Shenzhen.
若您对此次会议或者如何致力于MariaDB有任何疑问,请随时于此处发起您的讨论MariaDBdevelopers mailing list以及MariaDB discuss mailing list.

报名参加会议请点击此处 MariaDB Developers (Un)Conference here. …

2019 Developers Unconference, Shanghai, Nov 2019

(A Chinese version of this post is available here).

The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the 2019 MariaDB Developers Unconference in Shanghai. This will be our second Unconference in China, after the 2017 Developers Unconference in Shenzhen, and will take place from Tuesday 19 November to Thursday 21 November 2019.

Microsoft Shanghai are kindly hosting the event. If you want to attend, please sign up on the event page at We recommend you stay in a hotel near the venue.

All events are free of charge to attend.

The event will be the traditional unconference, with lots of opportunities for discussions and collaboration around any topic. …

Redirecting Downloaders to Knowledge Base

At the end of the download process for MariaDB Server from, downloaders will from now on be redirected to a MariaDB Knowledge Base page with further information related to how to work with the MariaDB Server release just downloaded.

This is meant to be helpful for the downloader, both when getting started with MariaDB in general, and with that specific release in particular.

The decision to redirect downloaders to a site run by the MariaDB Corporation needs special care. The MariaDB Foundation board voted on the issue, with the board members who work for the MariaDB Corporation abstaining from the vote. …

Debian 10 released with MariaDB 10.3

The Debian project announced their 15th release, code name Buster, on July 6th 2019. Debian 10 ships with MariaDB 10.3 and Galera. There is no separate MariaDB Connector C package, but instead MariaDB 10.3 includes MariaDB Connector C 3.0. Like most other popular Linux distributions, Debian prefers MariaDB over the Oracle owned alternative and this is now the second major release of Debian that only ships with MariaDB, and no MySQL at all. Anybody attempting to run apt install mysql-server will end up with MariaDB server instead and any upgrades from older MySQL versions to new MariaDB versions happen seamlessly, just like users have learnt to expect from apt. …