2016 MariaDB Developers Meetup Presentations

I’ve collected slides and videos from several of the presentations given at the MariaDB Developers Meetup in Amsterdam, 6-8 October 2016. This meetup was kindly hosted by Booking.com. The presentations are listed here in roughly the order they were given. If I have both the slides and video for a given talk I link to both, otherwise I just link to what I have. The video is of poor quality as it was livestreamed to Periscope from a handheld mobile phone. Network issues also mean the streams sometimes dropped and had to be restarted. I will update this post as a receive slide decks from other speakers. …

New MariaDB.org with fresh looks and contents

Today we have published a long overdue facelift of the MariaDB.org website. You are looking at the result right now! Some of the highlights are:

  • New responsive design with the new logo and a blue theme
  • The old blog has been merged into the main MariaDB.org site
  • The supporters of the Foundation are much more visible thanks to the big banner in the footer
  • What the MariaDB Foundation is and what it does is now better presented
  • Policies related to MariaDB and instructions on how to contribute to the open source project have been updated
  • It is now easier for individuals to donate to the Foundation thanks to the PayPal and Flattr buttons.

Welcome to the MariaDB Developers meeting in Amsterdam!

The 2015 MariaDB Developers meetup is taking place in Amsterdam, from October 13th to 15th. Anyone who is interested in contributing to the MariaDB project is welcome to join!

The event will be held in unconference style with lots of opportunities for discussions and collaboration around any topic, ranging from performance, new features, connectors to packaging and documentation. All core MariaDB developers will be present and available for discussions.

The meetup lasts for three days and you can join for the whole time, or as little time as you wish.

The schedule is drafted in a public spreadsheet.  …

News from the third MariaDB Foundation Board Meeting this year

The MariaDB Foundation Board has been meeting monthly since February and on Monday this week had the third meeting of the year. Here is an update on a couple of things from the meeting.

We’re happy to announce that Booking.com has renewed their support to the foundation. As a major corporate sponsor Booking.com has been offered a seat on the Foundation board. Booking.com nominated Eric Herman.  Eric has a history with MySQL dating from 2004 where he joined MySQL working on the server and tools.  In 2010, Eric joined Booking.com where he works on database scaling challenges and BigData. …

Changes in the MariaDB Foundation board and management

Year 2014 was an important year for the MariaDB project with the release of MariaDB 10.0. Adoption continued to grow both organically and by MariaDB being included both in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Suse Linux Enterprise Server distributions as the default database option. Ubuntu started providing MariaDB as an option since their release 14.04. MariaDB also came available in many cloud services, e.g. DBaaS in the Rackspace Cloud and Cloud Foundry. Those are just a few highlights. There is of course a lot of other news from last year which has already been covered earlier.

If you’re interested in what the MariaDB Foundation worked on last year, Monty wrote a wrap-up on it. …

The MariaDB Foundation Announces General Availability of MariaDB 10

Best MariaDB ever hits the streets – MariaDB 10 innovations developed with Google, SkySQL & Fusion-IO

London, United Kingdom – 31 March 2014 – The MariaDB Foundation, an independent body which promotes the popular open source database MariaDB, today announced the much-anticipated general availability of MariaDB 10, providing today’s generation of application developers with enhanced performance and functionality.

Since its launch in 2009, MariaDB has built an active and vibrant open source community and has led the way in database innovation. In 2013, Wikimedia Foundation, the people behind Wikipedia, announced the migration of many of its production MySQL systems over to MariaDB and Google confirmed it aims to move its thousand-plus MySQL instances over to MariaDB technology. …

MariaDB Foundation achivements 2012-12 – 2013-09

Reposted from Monty Says.

I recently read some comments that we at the MariaDB Foundation have not been very open about what we are doing.

We are very sorry about this. The problem is not that we are secret about what we are doing, the problem is that not many of us working at the MariaDB Foundation are very active bloggers.

I will try to address this concern by starting a monthly blog about the MariaDB development that MariaDB Foundation employees are doing. This together with Simon Phipps’ state of the sea lion blog, which is published here, should hopefully give everyone a better idea of what we are doing.

State Of The Sea Lion – June 2013

The Board of the MariaDB Foundation thought it would be good to provide an update — hopefully the first of a regular quarterly series — on how we’re progressing with the interim activities around constructing governance, identifying a new representative Board and structuring an engineering council.

  • The MariaDB Foundation is now independent of any business interests. With the acquisition of Monty Program Ab by SkySQL Ab, there’s now a clear separation of functions. The Foundation is the home of community activity around MariaDB, dedicated to sustaining and delivering the MariaDB database on behalf of its community independently of the business interests of any member.