MariaDB Day Brussels 02.02.2020 – Introducing speakers – Vlad Bogolin on ensuring MariaDB Server’s longevity with an open build system for the community.

For a large Open Source project to survive, it needs the right testing infrastructure in place. Because of this, the MariaDB Foundation made the whole build system a community shared resource. In this talk we will show how we have accomplished this and how the community can benefit.

MariaDB Day is part of FOSDEM Fringe and will be held on Sunday 2 February 2020. Attendance is free, but space is limited, so please RSVP on the Meetup page if you plan to attend.

MariaDB Day Brussels 02.02.2020 – Introducing speakers – Andrew Hutchings on ColumnStore engine

MariaDB has an Open Source engine called ColumnStore which provides columnar storage capabilities. During the MariaDB Day Andrew Hutchings (a.k.a. LinuxJedi) will hold a talk explaining what columnar storage is, how it works and the advantages / disadvantages of it. He will also talk about how you can use it to help with things such as your analytical workloads alongside your traditional OLTP workloads.

MariaDB DAY 02.02.2020 – Introducing Speakers – Dmitry Dain on Enabling post-compromise protection for stored data with Virgil PureKit security framework and MariaDB database.

As the first MariaDB Day is approaching we begin introducing our speakers. Dmitry Dain will talk about Enabling post-compromise protection for stored data with Virgil PureKit security framework and MariaDB database.

If you’re collecting personal data, you’re responsible for protecting it. And in this day and age, the question of when a database will be compromised is not a matter of “if” but “when.” So how can developers protect data within their systems without hiring expensive consultants or outsourced firms?

In this session, Dmitry Dain presents the Virgil PureKit security toolkit which protects passwords and data from being decrypted even if the database itself is compromised.

Shanghai MariaDB Unconference Nov 2019

In our quest to promote development of MariaDB Server, what we have come to call Unconferences form a key part. These developer meetings have traditionally been organised twice a year, and 2019 is no exception. After the North American Unconference in New York in February, Asia Pacific was in turn with Shanghai in November. And, no, we have not forgotten Europe; expect an EMEA Unconference next year.

Hosts and environment

Microsoft were our hosts, at their fabulous campus in the peaceful outskirts of Shanghai. “Where are all the Chinese?” was a common foreigner reaction;

MariaDB Server’s continuous integration & testing available to community

How MariaDB Server is tested

MariaDB Foundation is commited to ensuring MariaDB Server has a thriving community of developers and contributors. A software project cannot be maintained without proper tests. mysql-test-run is our standard testing toolkit for MariaDB Server. What it (mostly) does is run queries against one or more servers and compare their output to the expected one. This checks both behaviour and data consistency. The main principle is the server should always return the same data that is put into it.

One problem with this testing method is that it only covers the hosts’ environment. That means that if you are running Debian on x86_64 architecture, you are testing x86_64 architecture on a Debian Linux distribution. …

On Contributions, Pride and Cockiness

At MariaDB Foundation, we are proud of MariaDB Server getting plenty of contributions. But we don’t want to get cocky, so here is an update about where we stand, and what we want to make happen.

First, we have shown our contribution pride in several places. On 15 February 2019, I tweeted

Repeating: On code contributions, #MariaDB beats #MySQL 1009 to 247: We have over a thousand (1009) closed pull requests on GitHub (and 179 open), MySQL has 247 closed (1 open).

In our Annual Report 2018, we spent several pages, talking about pull requests and patches, showing code contribution statistics. …

Authentication in MariaDB 10.4 — Understanding the Changes

MariaDB Server 10.4 came with a whole lot of Security related changes. Some of them are merely optimizations (like MDEV-15649), some improve existing features to be more robust (MDEV-15473, MDEV-7598) or convenient (MDEV-12835, MDEV-16266). Some are MySQL compatibility features, requested by our users (MDEV-7597, MDEV-13095).

But the first thing any MariaDB Server user, whether an experienced veteran or a newbie, does — before even issuing the first SQL statement — is logging in. Authenticating to the database server. …